Saturday, January 25, 2020

Weird Japanese Theories 9 - Lust Vs Envy

Evil Lord Lust.
It should be Envy.
It's a Japan thing. She's not Lust but Envy. There has always been a linguistic issue with these, but basically Evil Lord Envy's sin is not the lewd one Lust. There's a separate term for this. If Envy is 嫉如 that's invidia,
Lust is something else or luxuria. Basically Envy or Invidia is coveting what other's have, Luxuria is more for sexual degeneracy. There are certainly linguistic issues since there's lost nuance in English culturally (for instance lust is sometimes used for strong emotions "Such a lust for revenge, WHOOOO!?").
For Japan though they tried to match the latin origins of the terms with their own language, but Envy's design does suggest a Lust connotation.
Maru isn't using conventional translations for the Evil Lords' sins though, but some of them are always the same. Wrath for instance doesn't use the common Japanese name for the sin but a more specific older translation, but Envy and Greed are pretty universal. Wrath could just be the exception. Given Maru's depiction of certain female characters I sort of get why he made her a girl? Could be Maru didn't want to make it a bratwurst party either though so token female?

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