Saturday, January 25, 2020

Weird Japanese Theories 5 - Emporum, Imperial, Imps, Emps

Ahoy hoy.
Been a while for a public release I guess.
This is going to be short and sweet, but it concerns the way a person receives their title. Specifically, we are going to talk about the Dragon Emperor.
Did you know? In the land of the rising birthing crisis, there's been several names for Emperor. If you watched Dragon Ball Super, you should know one of these as Tenno, the cute adorable destroyer fo all reality. Tenno is the proper way to refer to the Emperor.
There's also a really super old one, back in the time Japan was called Yamato and not Nippon-Ippon-Niisama-The 67th. That is Okimi or pretentious various of The Okimi that rules over the Entire Multiverse.
"That's not relaly the title right...?"
Sadly no, but it is really self-inflated and makes it seem like he rules the world and shit.
Maruyama didnt' use either of these though. He used the rarer 'Mikado'. An interesting kanji that one. Basically it can be seen as 'Emperor' but also as a derogatory title, since well it loosely means the 'the guy who has the key to the Imperial Palace's front door and sits on his ass' if you want to interept it meanly. Well if you know Japanese history, the Emperors didn't... do a whole lot. Really they often were a figure head proxy for whatever politics there were. A living plot device to make a side seem more right. CHina had the same issue really. People respected the bloodline but didn't give a rat's ass about what the Emperor wanted. Hence this title sort of actually being a bit more honest.
So when we hear the Dragon Emperor, some Japanese fans take this as being significant. Why not Tenno, or something like Okimi?
When interpreted literally, the Dragon Emperor is the 'honoralbe Dragon gate'. So did Tsa's papa live in the dragon palace?
People will disagree about interpretations. But, others think this is more a literal gate. If you factor in the idea that good ole Dragon Emperor brought the World Items (and thus Players/Guilds) to this world. He was crowned the Dragon Emperor because he possessed the power to control a 'gate'.
Shit, if a guy could tear a gate in reality and bring in oceans of oil he's probably be held in high esteem by us humans.
Well anyway, it's fun to think about why he was called Mikado. Given what we know of the world before, the dragons didn't really have much of a centralized force given they couldn't unite. So this way of seeing the Dragon Emperor not as ruler of an Empire but rather someone who just controls a gate of some sort does have some merits.
For example, we know of another Emperor, it's our boy Emperor Jircniv!
Dun dun duuuuun!?!??!?
"That's not a big reveal..."
Well anyway, Jircniv is not a Mikado, he's a Koutei. It basically just means Emperor though...
But it brings up some discussion from time to time, if a dictator Monarch who rules over others is called a Koutei, why was the Dragon Emperor not called that?
Anyway, it's all probably just an elaborate ploy. A ploy of Maru forgot he used one title for the other!
There's some meaning behind it all. Cure Elm certainly didn't seem to hold the Dragon Emperor in high esteem, he just called Players his poop basically. If you think about it, he did kind of crap them out into this world....
What do you think? Do you have to revise your lemon fan fic with scat now?
Hold on, I just got handed something.
"It's not politically correct to talk about scat."
What the fuck, my second grade teacher read us 'Everyone Poops'. What kind of retarded bullshit is this....
Well anyway, have fun theory crafting.

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