Saturday, January 25, 2020

[Article] Awakening

"WTF is this abou-"
"Could he be a God-kin?" The offspring of the beings known as ”Players” were people who might awaken incredible power from within themselves. The Slaine Theocracy called these people demigods. Or, more precisely, they were the ones who carried the bloodline of the Six Gods within their veins. If they had the blood of others, they would be termed differently. It seemed very likely that this Momon was of the bloodline of a "Player". Or rather, it would be better to say that no human could have possessed such power.
She was a cross-blooded child born of nigh-impossible odds, the Black Scripture’s Extra Seat, known as [Certain Death]. ...
"What a shame. I was thinking I might be able to taste defeat."
As he heard her mutter to herself, he wondered, Who would win, if they fought? He had exchanged blows with both the girl and the Vampire, and he felt that the Vampire was superior. However, that Vampire would not be able to defeat [Certain Death.] ... No, why was he assuming that she would be fighting by herself? While he could not compare to her, he was still an awakened God-kin
Ziggy's busy so he doesn't have much time to be snarky other than for the title.
Anyway, I've talked about Double Awakening as being one possible explanation for why Zesshi seems so much stronger than a regular Godkin. That is just one possibility of course since we don't know the full rules for Awakening either, such as if blood dilution actually affects it, if Awakening has a RNG level cap, if you just get some classes at birth from an ancestor, you fully copy the build of a Player ancestor, or so forth. Zesshi could just be stronger due to RNG in that case maknig this article moot.
Ziggy disagrees with the idea RNG would explain it though. And likewise, there is some circumstantial evidence required, but there seems to be more to this than just RNG level caps.
Assumption: Zesshi doesn't do anything to look like a n Oreo cookie.
First: If Ziggy is not mistaken about the Origin of Awakening, then how it SHOULD THEORETICALLY work is a person is a Godkin or Awakens IE 'A Person As Strong As A God' as an alternate translation for Godkin suggests, has miraculously AWAKENED. What did they AWAKEN to? Why through genetic magical horshit we dont' understnad (though strong bloodlines hint at as well as Krusch and Albino lizardmen) they inherited a piece of the soul of an ancestor that normally lays dormant. Keep in mind this makes more sense to Ziggy than you if you don't think like how he does that the Soul has a hardware and software variant in the form of the consciousness and the body.
This is how the game worked Ziggy believes Awakening comes from, ie a person gets a hold of a piece of a "God's Soul". Be careful since many games treat souls differently. But if losing levels is the same as lifeforce and not just LOL MMO LEVELS, ie there is more to the soul than we know, then this isn't too autistic. Level caps and even Talents may be partially influenced by genetics, but so is Affinity the soft stat. Affinity could just be a lesser version of this Awakening. Go read the article on that.
This is just for an example but...
Awakening (New Worlder Heritage): You get a predisposition or affinity for classes of your ancestors. IE Neia and archery from her papa, Krusch and dragon type classes or magic from her dragon ??? ancestors. And with Gondo we see that some don't inherit affinity.
Awakening (Player Heritage): Since Players have MAX affinity already, what would their descendants gain? Surely not everyone has MAX affinity as well. There are hints people in the Theocracy have more inherited traits but few who inherit classes.
Ziggy believes the process has two cases though. Those who just get biological LEGACY data such as a boosted level cap or some traits from their ancestors. Then those who actually AWAKEN properly. The difference here is likely stemming from the fact Player genes don't have Affinity as we understand it. Thus when their genes try to acquire 'Affinity' due to a BUG or LOL WHO FUCKING KNOWS they instead actually unlock the AWAKENED state.
The mechanics are fuzzy because we don't know, but for now that seems connected to it all imo at leas.t
Anyway, all you need to know, this idea of "soul" can be a simple as getting classes or great power from Affinity or Awakening experienceing an anomaly due to how Player bodies or frames are not like New Worlder frames.
This brings us to the topic, if Awakening is this process, why is Zesshi commented on as being born from impossible odds or so strong she has never been defeated by another Godkin who readily admits he cannot compare to her?
Here's Ziggy's current autism regarding this:
Zessshi is so special not because she had two strong parents. If Elf King is Player related or not doesn't really matter. It could have an influence even if he's just a New Worlder but for now, think about what Zesshi looks like.
And no, not Maru's fetish.
She has two toned hair and eyes. If we assume this is natural... what the fuck kind of Player trait is that?
Sure maybe someone had dumb heterochromia. Elf King does. The twins do.
But what Ziggy is getting at is, if you think about the genetic link between AWAKENING and what would cause this situation... something should come to mind.
It's why normally it is impossible odds as it's very rare.
Do you know? This weird thing actually happens on Earth too. It's similar to how identical twins work. And we know twins and triplets exist in Overlord. Not only that, the triplets have similar level caps.
The point is, we can assume that the biology of zygotes somewhat mirrors Earth.
And so here is the idea - if we already know one egg can split into identical eggs to produce people with identical level caps (proving the chromosomal link of Level caps and latent power in general) what of the inverse or converse?
What if during a rare freak accident, two eggs fused into one?
"What kind of magical bullshit-"
This is called Genetic Chimera.
She had a unique hairstyle, with the left side being a different color from the right. One was a scintillating silver, while the other was an all-consuming black. The color of her eyes was similarly mismatched.
And what was our assumption?
It may be just contacts and hair dye but Ziggy is assuming not.
And the reaosn is, if we assume Zesshi is a genetic chimera then we can also expalin not only her absurd strength but her father's absurd strength as well..
So what magic makes a genetic chimera strong in Overlord?
Well think about it, if a Chimera is the fusion of two separate eggs or zygotes in the womb into one being, and we know levle caps are retained from division, wouldn't union either combine the level cap? Or at the very least, make a person have two souls? We already know beings like Elder Coffin can harness multiple souls at once.
So if Zesshi's father isn't a Player descendant, we can still explain why he's so strong due to just his heterochromia. He was a Genetic Chimera as well and so it appears to give a noticable level buff or Level cap buff compared to all others.
It's also why he couldn't breed another of himself - he was a freak accident (assuming he wasn't Awakened from Player blood in the worst case). So let's take Gondo, assume someone got the shit lottery and was a Genetic Chimera of two Gondos. IE they combine two Level Caps of 11... you get the idea. But if there is a tendency for Level Caps to rise with breeding and pedigree...
Imagine somone who got a Hero and a normal person fused. Or a Hero and Hero? A Hero and Normie togetehr would assuredly at least make a person an Outlier no?
And also factor in what having two souls could give someone? More Martial Art's Capacity (you have two power sources) or twice mana regen or etc etc.
So if we ignore Double Awakening (let's assume King Elf is not anywhere above Outlier due to a freak genetic accident), why would Zesshi be stronger than a normal Godkin?
1.) One baby in her mom's womb was an Awakened Godkin 2.) Another baby was a normal being.
Fuse those together and...
There you go, a more plausible theory than Double Awakening that explains her Oreo nature. Bonus points for showing the foreshadowing with twins and triplets too and being logically consistent.
This process of a Genetic Chimera stacking with Awakenign is what made Zesshi or at least this is Ziggy's current bias as of now. Basically as we have known since WN days Godkin are sub True DL and Player or God tier. But Genetic Chimera and Awakened Godkin? And what if Zesshi is actually a Genetic Chimera of two Awakened Player Descendant Bloodlines? What if both eggs or babies or zygotes hit the RNG lottery of not only both AWAKENING but also fusing?
Maybe the dumb heterochromia trope of being strong can be easily explained with Genetic Chimeras? But what do you think? I'm frankly quite insane so don't take what I say very seriously.
If you look at Rororo, the Ijainya triplets, and then consider the level based genetics and Awakening as RNG occurrences... maybe the reason Maru called Zesshi the New World's Overlord because she was born with all the stars aligned, Awakening, being a Genetic Chimera, getting one of the strongest Talents, and having Player gear available to her. If an Awakened Player Descendant and an Outlier or another Awakened Player Descenatn X 2 or even... X 3 existed, maybe even a being that surpasses even Level 100 won't seem like just a random asspull but merely the greatest example of RNG and multiplicative growth...
(Reminder a humanoid statwise would still be inferior to a lower level Heteromorph)
Ziggy is fond of this theory because it
a.) Explains the dumb heterochromia trope
b.) Has a basis in the genetics of the series already established
c.) Explains the New World Overlord and impossible odds lines
d.) Ignores Elf King's ancestry to explain Zesshi's strength while being consistent with his limited role in the world.
e.) Might explain Level implications of Rororo's abandonment and Level Cap.
Head Canon Math!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Average Godkin Lower Estimate - Level 60
Possible Lowest Estimate of Elf King's Level - Level 40 ???
Level 40 = 20 +20 (Decent NW strength), 30+10 (Hero and Weakling), 25+15 (Ada-Ori tier / peak humanity plus average person)
70 = 60+ 10 (Godkin plus weakling)
75 = 60 + 15 (Godkin plus average person)
80 = 60 + 20 (Godkin plus decently strong person)
90 = 60 + 30 (Godkin plus hero tier)
100 = 60 + 40 (Godkin plus Outlier)
120 = 60 + 60 (Godkin plus Godkin?!?!??! MASAKA BAKANA IMPOSSIBLE)
It's possible that due to Awakening though she could be capped at 100 due to LOL MMO LIMITATIONS
Though... what about a Triplet or Octuplet Chimera of just Hero tiers? Of Godkin with no arbitrary Level Cap?
Have fun with head canon!

It's quite possible that heterochromia is just a linked trait to strength like Krusch's albinoism in theory.
Like all theories I tend to favor, I bring this one up because it explains things that otehrs just associate with tropes. The fact that the Elf King claims none of his other children received his strength though suggest to me it's not just a heritage thing. He's been trying super hard. Competing theories include he needs someone else with Player heritage (assuming he has any) to make them Awaken. Because he must be quite strong to not have been offed like how Gazef was planned to be killed for the Theocracy agenda though suggest he must have some kind of strength. Even if it's only say Evileye level, if PDL hears a former comrade that strong died he'd possibly know something is up and go investigate since he knows he's overpowered. We already know the Black Scripture can infiltrate his lair at least in the past.
I only favor Genetic Chimeraism due to Zesshi's phenotype and the lore implications of a Chimera as the converse to triplets and their relation to Level Cap.
It's probably just dumb anime MMo hair and Zesshi is so strong because she has the Talent - Cultivating Protagonist - Unlimited Level Cap. Or some stupid bullshit like that....
This idea of Genetic Chimeraism would have links to why Lichdom and Undead racial changing also leads to far higher level caps of a person as well. That is because it's a way to cheat a little since you stop being the creature you used to be to become a new creature.
While Dragon Lords cannot cast tiered spells, it is no longer a Dragon Lord but an undead being, so it can cast necromantic tiered spells. Cure Elim used this loophole to strengthen itself.
Consider how Liches start off at a rating of Platinum but we see others that vary in strength throughout the series.
At that time, it only contained the names of four Night Liches and three ElderThanks to an increasing number of undead members, the seven grew by 48,Liches. There were few rules and rulebreakers would be ganged up on by the others. Such was the looseness of their relationship. becoming a large organization with 55 members, with the original seven each being difficulty rating 150 undead creatures.
This was an undead magic caster. Its name was— 􀁯—An Elder Lich!􀁰 The wizard, who had been the 􀏐irst to surmise its identity, cried out. Indeed. After a wicked magic caster died and the body was infused with negative energy, it would give rise to an evil monster like this. The moment Gringam and the others heard that it was an Elder Lich, they immediately changed formation. Nobody stood in a straight line with anyone else, and each of them kept a distance from each other, to defend against areaeffect spells. Elder Liches were fairly powerful opponents. To adventurers, platinum-rankers would not be able to defeat one easily, but mithral-ranked teams would be certain of doing so. If Gringam and the others disregarded fatigue, they would be able to beat it. In addition, they were fortunate enough to have a team member who was exceptionally potent against the undead, which was a shot in the arm for everyone.
"Davernoc is undead. Peysilian is said to be able to cut down even distant foes. Edstrom can skillfully use special magic weapons. Malmvist is a fencer with a poisoned blade, adept at lunges. Succulent has already been apprehended. And Zero is a brawler who excels in empty-handed combat. Each of them is equivalent to an adamantite-ranked adventurer." ... "Undying King" Davernoc. His true identity was a naturally-spawned Elder Lich.
Do you see the inconsistencies here? How did some liches reach DR 150, some Adamantite, but then most people consider them around Platinum to Mithril? (DR 50-60)?
Here is what it seems to operating under:
Becoming an undead, be it Vampire or Lich doesn't work as a race change. It changes the race yes, but a Race Change in YGGDRASIL would have no bearing on a person's Level Cap since it was universal. Instead, the way it is presented with Evileye, the Liches and Night Liches, and so on, being able to reach around DR 150, it makes sense if you consider that one line from Cure Elim's sheet: once you become an undead you get to effectively be a new creature. We call these 'Templates' in gaming. An added template is basically like a prestige class for racials, but so far we have only seen it work for becoming undead in Overlord. Basically a template adjustment is when one creature keeps all their base traits and then stacks on top of it a template, typically undead to get stronger.
How Maruyama seems to have used this idea though is he considers the template addition as a means to pump up the level of a creature, but not all at once. Instead, it appears to let someone reroll their Level cap, since they are a strong creature they get to 'relevel' but this cap may be different than their previous cap. This compounds with their original Level Cap (Evileye was probalby only Level 8 when she became a Vampire Loli. But factoring in her bloodline and how she wasn't a Gondo most likely, then she would be about Hero tier without being undead and then the Vampire Template gave her around 20 more levels to work with).
So here's the math:
Prereq to becoming a Lich - A person needs to be at least Platinum ranked (this appears to be the minimum requirement)- Level 15
Let's assume the New World Lich class goes to Level 15.
WEakest Lich maxes out Class - Level 30
Let's then assume if someone rerolled a new Level cap and it was over 15, they can gain access to Night Lich.
EX The Weakest Lich rerolled a Level Cap of 20, somewhat strong for the human race. And he started at death at Level 15.
He can gain 15 Lich Levels and then 5 more Night Lich levels if he keeps working at it.
IE - Level 35 Night Lich.
Let's assume a Elder Lich had the worst starting conditions, Level 15. But rerolled hero tier due to RNG luck. So let's simplify this to Level 30. That means...
Level 15 Base + 15 Elder Lich + 15 Night Lich
IE Level 45 Night Lich.
Going based on the observations of Elder Liches though- that they seem closer to Mihtril Adventures, Level 2ish is a more appropriate starting Level.
Night Liches were beings who absorbed a great deal of mana and by so doing, transcended the state of Elder Liches. Such occurrences were rare even throughout history, for which many of the living were grateful. This was because Night Liches were very powerful. They were well-versed in using incredibly high-tier spells beyond the realm of humanity – the so-called sixth-tier. They were on par with even aged Dragons in a fight. In addition, they also possessed many special abilities, hordes of undead followers, a great degree of intelligence, and resided in behind manylayered impregnable bastions.
Notice the Tier 6 requirement.
If we assume Levle 20 is the basis...
Level 20 base on death, plus 15 Elder Lich levels...
Level 35!
And what Level would they be if they get the chance to be a Night Lich? Level .36 or where Tier begins!
So let's go back to our examples with this refined assumption.
Someone dies at Level 20 as a mage. They then become a Lich. They reroll and get hero tier or Level 30.
Level 20 + Level 30 (15 Elder Lich, 15 Night Lich) = Level 50 = DR 150
This would then explain how someone could reach Tier 8 like we see in the Side story.
That day, he had been heading for the stronghold of Granz Locke, a fellow member of the inner circle and a practitioner of the eighth tier. After paying various prices, he had intended to learn how Granz had reached the eighth tier. But Granz had not appeared that day. Therefore, Benjeli went to Granz’s stronghold.
However... how come Elder Liches reached DR 150 from the founding council?
Here's Ziggy's interpretation - Some people have better re rolls or base bodies.
For example, imagine if a hero tier person died and then becomes an Elder Lich, but they reroll an average Level, say 15.
Level 30+ Level 15 = Level 45.
Or let's say someone died at 25 or Adamantite and rerolled the same level?
If we assume it's not a template addition but rather a copy paste of a person's level cap, then even in that case most Liches would reach Level 40ish or DR 120. That's why Ziggy thinks it's a Template not a doubling of a person's living Level Cap.
Bonus Cure Elim
Racial Levels (51 total) - Dragonling 10 - Young 10 - Adult 10 - Old 10 - Elder 5 - Ancient 5 - True Vampire Dragon 1 Job Levels (44 total) - Primitive Caster 10 - Dragon Necromancer 7 - World Connector 9 - Overlord Dragon 10 - Soul Blasphemer 7 - Sorcerer 1
It's pretty clear True Vampire Dragon and Sorcerer were addded to him right?
Racial Levels (50 total) - Dragonling 10 - Young 10 - Adult 10 - Old 10 - Elder 5 - Ancient 5 Job Levels (43 total) - Primitive Caster10 - Dragon Necromancer 7 - World Connector 9 - Overlord Dragon 10 - Soul Blasphemer 7
[Head Canon]
Likewise Overlord Dragon. Ziggy thinks Soul Blasphemer was due to him casting Wild Magic via destroying other's souls rather than just using his own soul like a proper Dragon Lord as well.
Racial Levels (50 total) - Dragonling 10 - Young 10 - Adult 10 - Old 10 - Elder 5 - Ancient 5 Job Levels (26 total) - Primitive Caster 10 - Dragon Necromancer 7 - World Connector 9
[Head Canon 2.0]
Primitive Caster should always be there since that was what was needed to turn undead. Likewise, he probably always was a necromancer given his decision to become undead. World Connector is a bit iffy but due to how PDL can sense the World's screams and and how magic casters seem to need to connect to the world to cast, Ziggy would bet that it's the Wild Magic caster prestige class after Primitive Caster.
"Ziggy why are you just making up shit?"
This is frequently misunderstood however, there are various guys in the New World who can defeat those around Level 50 right? In the case of those Dragonlords bearing the label True, (True Dragon Lords) even all members of the Pleiades would not be an opponent.
Let's ignore Cure Elim for a second.
Racial Levels (50 total) - Dragonling 10 - Young 10 - Adult 10 - Old 10 - Elder 5 - Ancient 5 Job Levels (1 total) - Primitive Caster 1
[Generic Ass True Dragon lord]
If we assume you need max dragon racials to get Wild magic...then at worst True DLs are Level 51. If you assume World Connector is a prestige class though -
Racial Levels (50 total) - Dragonling 10 - Young 10 - Adult 10 - Old 10 - Elder 5 - Ancient 5 Job Levels (20 total) - Primitive Caster 10 - World Connector 10
[Average True DL?]
We get a Level 70 chad who can likely take all the Pleiades. And like in the WN we know Godkin aren't on the same level as True DLs. IE at worst Godkin are Level 60. Ergo, this fits both those statements.
"What about Dragon Necromancer"
Ziggy personaly thinks that's just a Wild Magic Necromancer class, ie Cure Elmi was always a weirdo coward so he tried to use dead meat shields to take hits for him. We see that Keno by studying the Corpus of Abyss research further increased her racial levels and even got Lesser One no?
The research notes they had recovered from the members of [Corpus of the Abyss] were all along the lines of enhancing their skills to dominate more powerful undead, learning how to cast spells of higher tiers, enhancing the attributes of the undead and so on. Therefore, Keno had thrown herself into the role of backing up Suzuki Satoru, in the hope that completing one of those topics might end up strengthening Suzuki Satoru. Sadly, none of their attempts had succeeded. However, that was in Suzuki Satoru’s case. Keno herself had benefited from them. It seemed like she had gotten a little stronger. In fact, she – who originally lacked the ability to dominate the undead – now possessed such an ability. From the perspective of YGGDRASIL’s racial and job class systems, that should have been impossible. In that case, why had it not worked on Suzuki Satoru? There were two possibilities. One was that Suzuki Satoru could no longer learn new abilities – in other words, he was complete. The other was that someone at Suzuki Satoru’s level needed more in-depth research to be strengthened. ... Nurunuru cast a defense spell on himself, while Keno used the power of the ultimate Vampire, The One. After plundering all the research of [Corpus of the Abyss], she had researched it and gained this power. However, it was a realm that was only supposed to be reachable by more powerful entities. Since she had attained it with a weak body, its potency was greatly reduced. In that case, she ought to be called a Lesser One.
Cure Elim was so good at necromancy despite not having very many undead racial levels while Keno only got undead control or domination after improving hers. IE Cure Elim was already great at it to begin with through Dragon Necromancer and Overlord Dragon was him doubling down on the Wild Magic way of controlling undead after he was undead, Dragon Necromancer was how he used to fight before being undead.
If you assume Cure Elims decides to be lazy and not get stronger though and then face the 13 Heroes 200 years go in the main timeline, but he survives somehow...
he could get stronger by improving his undead domination like Keno did and getting THE ONE rahter than Lesser One. Or trying to pump up his Tier magic abilities.
You could argue though that:
  • Dragon Necromancer 7
  • World Connector 9
  • Overlord Dragon 10
  • Soul Blasphemer 7
  • Sorcerer 1
are all non Wild Magic classes.
7+9+10+7+1 = 34
IE he was able to use Tier 5 magic.
However Ziggy would counter counter that it seems that Cure Elim's casting was rather due to Monster Levels or his True Vampire Dragon innate caster ness (well we don't know if undead dragons are still innate casters but Ziggy thinks so).
While Dragon Lords cannot cast tiered spells, it is no longer a Dragon Lord but an undead being, so it can cast necromantic tiered spells.
The spell focus on necromancy makes me think it's innate casting and not proper casting since why would he be limited then to it? Ainz's body sure isn't limited by necromancy due to being undead.
"[Triplet Maximize Magic Reality Slash]–." "–[Triplet Magic Wall of Skeleton]." Suzuki Satoru's eyes went wide. A wall of bones suddenly appeared in front of Cure Elim, intercepting the [Reality Slash]. Behind the wall of bones that had been rent by the [Reality Slash] was Cure Elim, whose torso was coiled in preparation to lunge. It had never used tier-based spells until now. Did it still have the strength to fight? Suzuki Satoru began to panic. His opponent's health was almost gone, but its mana was still full. He sensed the staff asking him "Can we smack him down now?" and responded with "Wait a bit." "[Triplet Magic Undying Flame]." As that fifth-tier spell took effect, Cure Elim's hooked claws and fangs blazed with bluish-white flame. This was a spell that added negative energy and fire damage. He had finished all the experiments he had planned over the past five years. However, it looked like it had been patched. The bug that caused undead targets struck by it to gain infinite healing was no more. In that case, it was probably just planning to add fire damage to its natural attacks. That would make it an even lower-tier spell. –Is it in some kind of mode where it can only use spells of the necromantic specialization? He theorized that this was the case, but he lacked the information to draw a conclusion.
At least me and Satoru seem to think he may be limited to necromancy tier magic only. It could be a consequence of being a Wild Magic user, he can't properly learn all tier magic since he already has Wild Magic.
Bonus Bonus
In a universe where Elder Coffin isn't dead... and he lost a fight either to the 13 Heroes or another person...
But lived...
Ways he can get stronger include
1.) Unpatching his Tier Magic with Wild Magic to get infinite healing
2.) Getting The One (which seems to be a support undead class) to give his undead army his own buffs or something
3.) using his Tier Magic at the same time as his undead etc etc rather than not using it all
4.) Using his army to hold people down to and his Undying Flame to attack while healing them and himself and damaging the enemy
5.) Enhancing his Undead Domination to control intelligent undead like Ainz did (and even undead Players???) to fight alongside him
6.) Actually fighting alongside other True DLs
7.) Finding a way to use his Undead domination to replenish his usable souls for Wild Magic (to jack up his Wild Magic soul mana bar or whatever you want to call it)
Who knows, maybe he's underneathe Katze Plains and all his undead underground accidentally made the place naturally spawn undead... And maybe Katze like the german names implies is Cat and he's chilling in a former guild base of the Kitty Kingdom. kappa.
Level on Death
Tier of Magic able to use Living Added Undead Level Cap Tier of Magic usable as Undead DR as Undead
A.) Worst Case: Level 15 / Plat Tier 3 1-15 Elder Lich 3-5 DR 45-90
B.) Most likely Worst Case Level 20 / Mithril Tier 3 1-15 Elder Lich 3-5 DR 60-105
Worst Night Lich A.) Tier 3 Level 15 + Elder lich 15 + 1 Night Lich 5 DR 93
Worst Night Lich B.) Tier 3 Level 20 + Elder Lich 15 + 1 Night Lich 6 DR 108
Assume B and rerolled hero tier Tier 3 Level 20 (while living) + Elder Lich 15 + Night Lich 15 = 50 8 150
Assume B and Outlier (Fluder rerolls hero tier) Tier 6 Level 40?+ Elder Lich 15 + Night Lich 15 = 70 10 DR 210
Assume B and Godkin (or other Awakened people - Level 60 minimum) Tier 9 Level 60 (while living) + 15 Elder lich + 15 Night Lich = Level 90 ??? DR 270
Evileye Tier 2 Level 11 (but hero level cap?) + Level 20 Undead Template added Tier 5 plus 20 Warrior type levels (Vampire) DR 150

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