Saturday, January 25, 2020

[Onomastics - 6] Volume '14' and Volume 14

Double Release bitches. Deal with it.
So the Evileye sidestory is called Vampire Princess of the Lost (ruined or dead) Country. But Volume 14 is called Witch (Magical Woman) of the destroyed (wiped out or obliterated or vanished) Country.
Now many of might think Landfall shares the same kanji as Destroyed Country. But really Evileye's title is "Country Degenerator" or "One who makes a Country lose all that was good or desirable". funny how this got translated as Landfall.
Lost and Destroyed are very similar but the nuance is very different. Ziggy believes Maru did this on purpose. Especially with how Keno is a Vampire Princess in Volume '14' but a Magical Woman in Volume 14. It sort of reflects her different priorities and self identity in each canon.
Of course you could read it as "Evil Woman" but I'm pretty sure ti's meant to be "Magic" not "Evil" but Japanese be Japanese.
I'm curious as to why the description of the nation is different. Is it because Evileye believes it's her fault? While in the sidestory she never learned how she became undead?
Perhaps Tsa understood she had absorbed lots of souls and she mistakenly believed it was all her fault?

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