Monday, March 29, 2021

[Repost] CSA and Kingdom Connection?


Well the problem with lingustic divergence in Overlord is auto translate really fucks things up. People just understand each other verbally, but any ethnic groups will retain their cultural identty with folk songs and shit. So Baharuth could of just been a language isolate in the giant mega ultra collective nation and only after literacy started to spread did it start to become an issue with the others. Roble for instance has some clearer issues with this being a relatively disconnected nation and culture for whatever reason. So even if people migrate, the regions bards can travel in will be subject to these quasi ethno-spheres. Now if we apprach things in terms of anthropology, yes we can't say for sure how big or broad in scope the mega human nation really was. I've seen arguments in favor of the CSA and the two Kingdom and Empire being parts of it before it's collapse. The main evidence was something about the port names and Re-Estize's name bearing some similarities to how Kista and her grandfather had a shared name of Ri and Kaberia. The naming pattern of territories in Re Estize doesn't quite follow the CSA pattern however, if we drop titled names, there is some similarities in how CSA is SHARED Personal SHARED meanwhile Re-Estize is PERSONAL PERSONAL TITLE FAMILY or PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL Title FAMILY for Royals. The strange aspect of their culture is why the nation is run by the Vaiself family but the nation's name doesn't follow the pattern of all the other noble holdings unless there was some sort of royal family name change or usurpation, coup etc. Also strange is why their titles are just Slaine baptismal names, suggesting some religous influence/movements especially given their relative autonomy compared to the more isolated Roble which church and state are more closely connected but nto as much as the Theocracy.

10:10 AM :

That's ultimately conjecture still given even in Bebad the two Ri X Kaberia's don't actually bear the name of the their territory. So this could of been a development in Re Estize after the fact to name territories afte rthe noble in charge. Whatis suspect is the main logistical cities of the ports on the North and West as well as the mining city have Ri's in their names just like the territory as a whole. So reconstructing it I do believe Re Estize could of started off as a human expansion project from the CSA based on the etymology of these names bear similarity to CSA human names of at least one ruling family of 'mayors'. Rampossa's suggestion for Renner and Zanac to flee to the CSA also suggested there might be some cultural ties as well since he didn't suggest to go to Slaine which would arguably be safer as a Divine magic based nation but it could of been for religious or political reasons (Slaine not willing to chastise the Sorcerer Kingdom but then again they didn't verbally approve the declaration of war) so we can't really rely on that. Given how other races are not accepted as easily in Re Estize as well, it's strange since Slaine is both closer and human centric but the CSA is a mixed culture like Aggrande.

10:11 AM :

Not everyone is as accepting of linguistic reconstructions however. I personally believe that it is of relevance in Overlord at least based on several clear and definitive examples where this does shed light on the origins of things in setting. But I do see it as less concrete than other evidence.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

[Repost][Unposted] Scope of Power A Comment I Didn't Post due to too many caveats, length, and being incomplete

 A Comment I Didn't Post due to too many caveats, length, and being incomplete, being overly pedantic, and never going to be broadly applicable based on different definitions. 


 ```How many levels do you need to be to become 

 Town buster
City buster
Mountain buster
Country buster
Continent buster
World buster
Universe buster
Multiverse buster
Outerverse level```


:thinking: Well depends on what context you mean buster in addition to what the others said. Like do you mean just being able to rofl stomp X population on your average scale? Or being able to wipe out areas of said scale base don pure AoE potential? For example, Gazef would be a town buster under the first but not the second way of thinking.  Narrowing things down under the second,  nothing is remotely close to Universe scale or beyond in Overlord as far as we know. At least in terms of World buster, not even Players can accomplish that realitically barring some Ouroborus Dragonball logic of borrowing something else's power. The only caveat for World buster in Overlord then is only a potential one in the Dragon Emperor since if you can realistically transport things to displace matter on your world with stuff from elsewhere (real or not) theoretically you could summon X amount of solar matter and potentially do world devastation levels of damage if you run that to it's natural conclusion based on just gravity, temperatures, etc in the natural biome in sufficient amounts. Same thing if it was just Nazarick sized glaciers popping up over the centuries slowly raising the water levels and or lowering temperatures. The potential exists but it's not framed that way so it remains purely theoretical one. Basically anyone else is lower in scope. If we look at the scales in universe at least, Olasird'arc and even Soul Eaters at Level 40 can devastate a city in terms of casualties or destruction and evne Death Knights due to being a Zombie Apocalypse vector can potentially do it as well with the Squire to Infinite zombie exploit. What you are mainly missing in your criteria is that between Country and Continent you need a new unit or category. We have one confirmed native at that scope at least, with Cure Elim taking out several countries worth

 We also need to define city since that is going to get a bit iffy given you have metropolitan cities vs say City States like in the CSA with populations in the 100,000 range vs what nations like my nation list as the minimum size for a city being like only a 1,000 with certain conditions. A city state could also be based on a mountain too for instance. Based on your ordering, I'll assume you're going on the implicity idea that normally a nation will consist of a surface area of a few cities, towns, and or mountains etc. Basically the idea of a City State having a sufficiently large sphere of influence of a few dozen kilometers or so on. IIRC Athens and Sparta were only a few hundred miles/kilometers away at least so we'll go with that relative distance before we get into all sorts of tangents. 

With conditions like that, Gazef could be a city buster if we low ball cities with different standards than with our post industrialization globalization biases for instance. Also we have to factor in that if Gazef murders all the decent people those remaining will be far less of an issue than if they all attacked at once with plans and shit. Equipment dependencies matter too. Given Adamantites and Gazef who ranks higher than the weaker ones at least can take on several hundred of humans or beyond beings like undead at least in terms of raw strength we do have some basis to normalize.

This exact issue crops up with Mountains as Mountains can vary wildly in size. Also if we use the population buster impression, do you mean wiping out a surface area worth of people or surface area + hollowed out caverns and tunnels as well? If you've studied surface area vs say surface area plus this added dimension it can escalate quickly.

 Now I'll take for granted we're using some semblance of design here instead of 'lol Haruhi instant wins' 'Saitama punches really hard'  "Reinhard OTP"unfounded story devices instead of characters based on actual game logic.

Also factoring in build this doesn't mean a Level 100 farmer will be able to do this. Rather it's a vague sense of power scale instead for combat builds to begin with. So no Ordinary/Average/Normal  classes. Secondly we're ignoring builds like say a MP heavy Ulbert who can run out of MP if not pace or outfitted right for the situation despite his strength affecting his strength or the general level of the people or population getting stomped. Basically, we'll use the norm of the Continent of most nations have most people below Level 20, a few above 20, and a select few in the 30-40  category and are never present in numbers beyond a certain amount (Slaine or Corpus being on the higher end  of raw power level mobilizable forces in that category) . We can't discount say a nation of stronger races however too since some did exist in the past but based on Satoru's musings, realistically nations of people beyond levle 40 is very unlikely. 

Given how little we know about the Dragon Empire tha tis also an exception since we do know at least this world was under the threat of Zy'tl level monsters but the Dragonlords supposedly handled it depite what seems like disorganization from the accounts and surviving members testimonies. Like a village of just one chad dragon lord with a harem of dragons could of existed and through out the sense of scale completely. Olasird'arc is good example of a low level version of this exact situation if you discount the Quagoa and factor in the size of his palace.

 1s Vast majority of certain races, weake rmonsters, wild life, etc

10s Upper limit for most of the normal races; armies of humanoids are mostly in this range at best

20s  typical limit for people; few make it past even the mid twenties, some demihumans can reach this

30s Range form a few to a modest amount based on breeding, race, nation etc. Certain strong/apex monsters. Never in large numbers even in the best situations for the vast majority of natives. Exceptional demihumans normally only reach this far rarely.

40s A handful of the world's most strongest monsters, people, Night liches, or modern dragons

50s Freaks, legendary beings, abnormal shit from a series of unlikely events (Evileye )

60s+ Basically unheard of natively beyond Dragonlords, Godkin, or monsters summoned by unknown means like Zy'tl that may or may not be from YGGDRASIL

Population Stomper 

Village buster - mid to high teens eg Imperial Knights vs Re Estize's levies Zenberu's claim of taking on several dozen low level undead (Platinum rankers maybe)

 Town buster - High Teens to Low Twenties eg the Worker's general power level in Volume 7, the Four Knights be comparable to a few hundred soldiers (Mithril to Orichalcum)
City buster - Mid to high Twenties eg Gagarin and Gazef feeling able to take on closer to a thousand foes (Adamantite and beyond)
Mountain buster - Depends on the mountain size. Maybe certain heroes or ritual casters causing a ritual to go haywire? eg Remedios thought she could take 10000 people and the Quagoa felt Pe Riyuro may of been able to take his entire race (realm of heroes)
Country buster -  Death Knights, Soul Eaters, Night liches? (Mid 30s to 40s), Behemoths, random legendary monster attacks (as noted in history on occasion aka things like the Lava Angler Fish or the sidestory nation destruction norm)

Multi-nation buster -  Cure Elim (Level 95); Super Tier magic users Level 70+ YGGDRASIL Player  Casters (eg Biblical Locust Swarm), something like Wrath or Zy'tl in the 80s just walking around

Continent buster - None confirmed but repeated use of Multi-nation class abilities could devastate the continent if no one can stop it's abuse. Players or Dragonlords could do this if they don't encounter some fatal flaw or new ability to stop them ()
World buster - Players or the Dragon Emperor relying on external means to manifest abilities, theoretically that could cascade into the world's demise based on environmental factors, infinite summonings of something, the biome being altered catastrophically etc.
Universe buster - out of Scope in Overlord
Multiverse buster - ""
Outerverse level - ""

In terms of the scale of destruction individually (predominantly monsters and Magic Casters)

Village: Anyone hero rank could probably do it due to raw strength or using spells.


City: Souleater and monsters with abilities of that nature. A few rituals to wipe out a city. Large sized monsters stomping.

Mountain: Most Players at best? eg Maybe Mare, Guren etc. Some Super Tier.

Country:  A few exceptional abilities from Super Tier magic?

Multnational: Dragonlords confirmed.

Continent: Maybe Dragonlords or a few select abilities from YGGDRASIL with unrestricted AoEs?

World: Pretty much no one on their own merits.

Bullshit etc: None

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Hitori's Translator Note Volume 14


“In addition, building a nation implies that we will be defending morepeople. Turning countries into graveyards will only damage the name of AinzOoal Gown. Now, has anyone noticed anything?”

[V9 Nigel]

“Making a country willmean we have more to protect. There isn’t anyone to praise the name Ainz Ooal Gown in ruined countries. Now, is there anyone else who thought of something?

[V9 Yen Press]

“There is the question of being able to govern such a kingdom. Ruling over a ruined country would bring shame to the name of Ainz Ooal Gown.” - WN Frostfire

The original context is that it's hard to manage a nation, but the scenes are framed a bit differently between LN and WN despite the scene at large being composed similarly.

The exact Japanese in the WN appears to be what the anime used for reference (as members of the anime staff read the WN and included WN elements [ confirmed in some interviews], in scenes into the anime at various points such as the Season 3 Jircniv reaction scene or Ainz's voice actor using a different voice based on how the drama cd was directed).

"A nation we're in control becoming ruined would be unworthy of the name Ainz Ooal Gown. "

Put More simply: "If the country goes to shit while we're in charge it'll hurt our rep"

Ziggy - WN Literal

Ainz-sama once said that ‘to rule over a ruined nation would be bad for our reputation.’

Volume 14 Hitori

Given how Volume 14(2020) came out after Season 3 of the anime (2018) and Volume 13(2018) most likely that was actually meant to represent Maruyama reacting to WN dialogue popping up in the anime instead of the LN dialogue leading him to be confused as he hasn't worked on it at the time for many years.

Your mileage will probably vary but based on the chronology, the other translator note referring to a scene between Demiurge and Fluder only in the web novel, the existence of WN content in the anime, and all the various translations of these lines, this doesn't strike me as a bad translator note as if someone had originally only known one translation they may have suggested the translation was referring to something but was done poorly when in fact it is referring to previous content that wasn't translated as good originally. Nigel had notes explaining how the orcs are closer to Japanese orcs for example in Volume 12 for context as well to address confusion over why the Orcs didn't look like what people thought they would.

Trying to reconstruct why Hitori included this: Hitori probably read Nigel's translation but then was confused at this line, not recalling these events like most fans probably would, and found the web novel version offered an origin for why this dialogue may exist.

I understand not everyone agrees on the purpose of translator notes (see reaction TNs in manga projects, vs etymology notes, alternate reading notes etc). Ultimately they should at least explain some nuance lost in translation that the translator notices but can't possibly convey perfectly due to the nature of translations. Sometimes the translator needs to tell the audience things because you can't convey every nuance of the author in a new language or due to previous translations clouding self referential content translated by somebody else later.