Saturday, January 25, 2020

[Onomastics - 5] Elder Coffin and Dragon Titles Repost

I've written about this before.
If you don't remember though all True Dragon Lords have an Engrish name and a kanji name.
Elder Coffin is by far the strangest though. Basically "Old Dead Body Receptacle"?
Well the kanji is actually "rotten" and "coffin". This to me is more appropriate given he's rotten because he's acquired Tier Magic (from a DL POV) and he's a coffin as in he somehow stored souls for later use.
I ask myself though, why Elder? Coffin is Coffin but Elder for rotten? This isn't the first time Maru's Engrish name is a bit odd.
Sword Master DL isn't Sword + Master. Best I can figure is MAru did it on purpose to hint at these Dragon Lords.
There is a theme in True DL titles as well, each Dragon has a two kanji name. Even the Dragon Emperor is a two kanji name.
This is contrary to say White Dragon Lord who has a one kanji title. But Blue Sky has a double kanji title. Oddly though, you can really scrutinize Draogn Lord titles.
Like is Blue Sky a literal title? Or are you supposed to read the kanji separately?
True DL titles are often less literal than what modern dragon lord titles are written. This probably hard to grasp but even the kanji Maru uses is sometimes atypical?
"But Ziggy Platinum Dragon Lord".
Yes yes I know. You can read PDL's title as "white" "gold" ie Platinum. But isn't it weird ti violates the pattern? Did you know you can read it differently as well?
Shocker, Japanese has weird exceptions.
Well you can read "white" as "Unaltered" or "Very", while "gold" can be read as "most valuable". Given the strange connections to language though, for dragon titles and even the draconic language, I'm inclined to think you read "white" as "preorchestrated words" or 'scripted lines'. It's a very uncommon reading, but it would be Platinum Dragon Lord " Most Valuable Title Dragon Lord". In a sense if he truly was the Dragon Emperor's son, it would almost be a title that conferred status before a descriptor of himself.
It's fairly possible this is all reading way, way, way too much into kanji.
But strangely, Ziggy has started to slowly come around to this idea that kanji choice is very significant in Overlord. From how New world only abilities are strictly kanji named, abilities that change can be easiy explained by kanji manifesting additional properties to the spell, and so on. Even World Items cancelling Wild Magic can be attributed to a coincidence of similar kanji (or the gag of Wairudo and Warudo). Even flavor text can alter physical characteristics.
You could also read Platinum as "Most Innocent" or "Most Diligent" as well.
But Ziggy is probably trying to force a pattern. What do you believe though? It's not something you as an English reader would even ponder. There's this sneaky idea language is special in this world though, from auto translate, to flavor text manifesting, to ability changed, to music not auto translating, to notational differences with draconic names.
Do Modern or False DLs have only literal brain dead titles while True Dragon Lords have poetic and more meaningful titles? Or is Platinum truly meant to be read as Platinum? Is it just a societal custom and draogns have degenerated to cave man titles since Unga Bunga?
It's fun to ponder (for nut jobs like me at least).

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