Saturday, January 25, 2020

[Weird Japanese Theories 7] - Wand or LeLennyFace.JPG...

Short and sweet today.
Lost White. That weird wand but not wand from Evileye's nation.
What's interesting is that the wand itself in Kanji is loosely called the "the rainbow from scattering white" or Lost White. Weird right? But if you think about how light refracts in prisms... That is when White Light goes through a crystalline prism, the light breaks up into it's component color wavelengths since White light is the combination of other types of light. We call this dispersion.
Now what does all this physics mean for Overlord?
Well two pet theories exist in Japan (there's always a theory for anything in Overlord).
The first is some people think BDL made this wand since it ignores wand rules and contains a weird variation of Resurrection magic that Ainz doesn't quite understand.
It was a transparent wand, carved out of a gigantic crystal and further worked upon. Its name was Lost White. If what she said yesterday was right, then Suzuki Satoru believed that the spell contained within it ought to be the fifth-tier divine spell [Raise Dead]. But according to his investigations just now, the spell’s effects were slightly different. Or rather, it looked like a wand, it should be usable as a wand, but fundamentally, it was something else entirely.
Now admittedly, seeing rainbow and rainbow is a bit weird to make a theory. But that doesn't stop people from going Razor Edge is Wild Magic item either...
But here's the more interesting theory that may be more relevant.
Did you know, when you take a dispersed amount of white light, and put it through the prism, it disperses in a greater spread than what went inside? Basically the light 'splits' into a spectrum of several color rays larger than the original white ray. So what does this seem to imply?
Well people took this baby theory one step further. That is, remember Wild resurrection magic?
"That is a fact. Among the 5th-tier divine spells, the resurrection magic [Raise Dead] consumes vast quantities of life force. Perhaps higher-tiered resurrection spells might reduce the amount of life force that is lost …but nobody can use those, so that is merely academic. Then again, I have heard that the Dragon Lords and their ancient magic could return the dead to life without the loss of any life force—"
So it was proposed Lost White was a Wild Magic creation that should have been like raise Dead but was different because it didn't cause level loss. Mainly, the proposition is that Wild Magic could resurrect the dead by putting the soul back in a body and Lost White prevented the loss of 'data' that happens due to something like Soul Dispersion. Effectively, the theory is BDL, the Brightness Dragon Lord or Seven Colored Dragon Lord harnessed optical light theory in his own Wild Magic. IE the whole scholar idea in his movie description. So in this case, the Seven Colors do not refer to his scales but rather he harnessed weird color theory or 'BRIGHTNESS' in applying his Wild Magic to create something new.
I think it's a really creative theory myself. It does give you a new way to look at how Seven Colored in Kanji becomes Brightness in Maru's Engrish. I certainly think it may be plausible if not certain.
Hope this is food for thought.
... . ....
And if you didn't get it, the post title is a semen turkey baster joke since LOL BDL PERV SAMA.
So why is his daughter called Blackscale Dragon Lord?
When people were discussing why Wild Magic would even be related to colors, people brought up a connection to Draudillion's title and how she described casting Wild Magic.
"The magic of the soul, huh …" Wild Magic was different from normal magic. It was magic that used souls. Therefore, if she sacrificed many of her people and then destroyed the souls which were produced, she could cast a powerful spell.
Keno's eyes went wide as she looked at the black orb floating over the mountain. She could tell that it was huge, even from a great distance.
"Soulbreaker Breath". It was a Wild Magic spell considered to be on par with the World-Class item Longinus. It was an irresistible power that would discorporate the soul of anything it touched. This utterly malignant power consumed everything present. ... He could see something black in Cure Elim's mouth – something that sent a shiver down the spine of even an undead being like Suzuki Satoru. It was something so overwhelming that his biological instincts – though he was undead – were responding to it. It was too dangerous, too dreadful. ... It was probably not some kind of instant-death effect, since the Dark Young resisted that. Then what was it – Suzuki Satoru thought of the trump card he had just used. Was it something like that? But the black beam that Cure Elim had released did not have the weaknesses of his own move. Was it an improved version of his skill? The black beam whipped around wildly with the twisting of Cure Elim's long neck and destroyed another Dark Young. ... In fact, the black beam had easily pierced the barriers – as though they were not there – and swallowed up everything. The beam of darkness racing out at him had no obvious destructive power – or pressure – to it. ... Having made up its mind, Cure Elim used its most powerful attack While it had been ineffective against its most hated enemy, there was no way it would not work against the undead before it. Therefore– Cure Elim fired the huge black beam from its mouth.
So as we were told, Cure Elim also cast Wild Magic by destroying souls. So based on how his more costly spells are described as tinted black, people linked that black with Blackscale. IE Wild Magic cast by destroying the souls of others is tinted black. Hence why Draudillion got her title despite having scales that we know of.
Well she might just turn into a black dragon or something silly too. I think this theory is more interesting if you factor in the whole rainbow angle. It's probably not true though... Probably.
But what do you think? Have fun theory crafting~

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