Saturday, January 25, 2020

Weird Japanese Theories 8 - Bugi Boogee Boo; Gaijin Imperialism: You Got Engrish In Muh Sugoi Native Nipponese

Japan, it's weird. Japanese people, surprisingly edgy.
They seem to love mixing in different languages into their conversation. Just as English has many, many loan words, Japan has it's own way of incorporating other languages. For Ainz's sake they have an alphabet designed to write foreign shit.
"Ziggy, where's your boo-"
Shut it. It's not done. I had to import several more hundreds of dollars of bullshit... again so I'm waiting on stuff. Now silence, voice in my head!
Gefun gefun.
Do you remember ?
Or ?
Of course not!
But basically you've got this idea in Overlord where how things are written does actually carry some weight in this world. For example Spiritual Caster classes tend to be written in Asian languages.
This idea actually extends further though. For example Dragon Names are written or notated differently from other names.
"Their names are dumb sounding?"
No. They have equal signs in their names! Well sort of. It's called a Double hyphen. It's a Japanese thing. Fun fact, in Blazblue everyone's names are written with those instead of that weird dot.
Basically Almost Everyone in Overlord has their names separated by big dots.
Iguvua=41, Jircniv Farlord Rune El=Nix, Olasird'arc=haylilal, Cure Elim = Los Malvar
It's inconsistent. Why does Jircniv only have one space with it, but dragons don't use the dot at all. Iguvua's isn't even a name or at least it wasn't intended. Other languages have double hyphens, but it's usually a stylized hyphen in Japan where if a person has spaces and hyphens and spaces.
Spaces = Dots
hyphens = Double hyphens
For Jircniv this is canon. We are told explicitly he only has 4 names not 5 so we can infer his double hyphen is just El-Nix hyphenated. We can infer Iguvua's is also a hyphen. his epithet is Experimental Subject 41... so it's not a proper last name.
But Dragons... they have no dots. Rather just double hyphens. And most importantly, on character sheets you have names written in Japanese and English (Romanized). And guess what, Dragons have the double hyphen in both their Japanese AND Romanized name.
Jircniv and Iguvua don't have the double hyphen in their Romanized name.
Dun Dun Duuuuuuuun.
Strange right? Do dragons have it because the dragon language is special? Both natives and YGGDRASIl beings use the dot. It has to be intentional. head canon away!
Oh wait, this article wasn't about that.
There is a similar strange thing with abilities. In Overlord, all magic is written in Engrish. EX.) FIREBALL (Flaming ball). The idea is you have the literal kanji and Engrish often said at the same time.
But, Martial Arts (Bugi) and Wild Magic (Wairudo Magicku = Shingen Mahou) have their abilities written in literal-kanji only. World Perversion Containment Barriers for example or Reflex Reaction = Gazef's martial art. It baically tells you what the move does.
But you know what's weird, Martial Arts in the Web novel used to be written in Engrish.
Dun Dun Duuuuun.
Strange right?
So what's the weird Japanese theory?
Well the native abilities of this world are written in kanji onlly. IE the native language of Japan only. Foreign shit is written with non-kanji. But skills are written in either kanji or Engrish.
Well the theory is abilities changed based on what their kanji name is. Basically, the Japanese idea is that just as flavor text manifests based on writing on a character's bio, abilities with certain kanji names are tapping into the native magic system in some way.
It's a queer and weird theory (well duh it's why these are called Weird Japanese theories). It's probaably just a notation thing like Spiritual Casters. But... it does sound plausible. We already know beings with additional writing or meaning written on them manifest for real. Is it really so far a leap to say an ability with additional writing or meaning written on their name (different ways to read kanji effectively) can also manifest additional properties?
Is that hard to understand?
Basically when Anz uses CREATE UNDEAD, why are his summons permament using a body? he's CREATED a new creature using a preexisitng one, ie the natural way undead are created in this world (for the most part).
But what about CONTROL AMNESIA? That certainly changed. Same idea. The Engrish name doesn't quite convey the way this powered changed in the New World. But it's kanji names does.
WISh UPON A STAR is also pretty interesting. It's kanji name can be read as "to request of a heavenly body". Weird nuances like that.
Just because a Skill has kanji doesn't mean it changed by the way.
Rather, if it has kanji with mulitple readings that appears to possibly be linked to why the abilities or spells changed.

What does all this mean?
Maruyama is kojima nerd. Someone who incorporates language nuance into his setting.
But more relevantly, the New World's Game System appears to function on language. Abilities change based on different readings. Flavor text manifests as real abilities (Normal skill like competencies, intelligence) and even physical changes (Demiurge's abs, Shalltear's breats).

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