Wednesday, July 21, 2021

[Repost] Tamers and Pokemon Summoning

Also, Aura can summon her tamed beasts, right? Like how Quiesce summoned his Basilisks in the WN Does this mean if Aura tamed Hejinmal (if she hasn't already) she could summon him from the shadow realm or whatever?


The question of if tamers can summon beasts is complicated. Aura has never been shown summoning beasts, yet we do know some classes can summon mounts. Now we can't assume the YGGDRASIL version of a class and the New World version of a class are the same in every way. If we use the Paladin Archetype from YGGDRASIL as a basis we know it's possible for Skills to bring mounts out which is functionally similar to how Ainz uses Create Undead. That is these are typically daily use limited or heavily restricted versions of a specific type of creature. The question is does Aura possess Summoning type skills? Do New World Tamers? The answer will depend on who you ask. I'd rather walk through the mechanical difference between tamers and the others instead. So let's look at what counts as 'tamed' beasts. We know Aura expressed interest in taming New World creatures and in Mass for the Dead she does indeed tame them. Since Quintia exists obviously it seems like New World beings can be tamed. HOWEVER Recall Quintia's Gigant Basilisks. Ainz killed them and was able to 'zombify' them. Ergo, they left behind corpses that were usable. Ainz's skill summoned creatures disappear normally, the permament ones being a rare exception using material components.
Furthermore, recall Mass for the Dead and how Aura makes use of pretty much only wolves. It's been a while but it's suggested that her beasts are gone for good. If we suppose that Tamed beasts are summonable by a Skill as in the case of Paladins, we have an issue here. Mechanically, the fact tamed beasts can be used as undead fodder and it doesn't seem like you can resurrect them via guild base mechanics alludes to a different answer. That is: Tamers don't use Skills to summon their creatures


So then what did Quintia do? If we suppose it's not a NW only Tamer skill. There is another possibility. The first it's special YGGDRASIL equipment that wasn't readily available. The second is it's a New World only invention. Typically in mechanical discourse, this ability to bring out his already tamed beasts comes from his rings ( as detailed in his design and from his descriptions) with the basis it's not from a skill based on the permanency of tamed beast deaths. Supposing it's a NW invention isn't outside the realm of possibility. The New World has already created spell storing items of their own. And supposedly (although often forgotten) the Demon Gods were sealed via some mechanism.We already know YGGDRASIL items can summon permanent beings (eg Goblins). So conversely, there could theoretically be a way to do the reverse - to seal creatures into an item. As Slaine has spell sealing crystals (that can store spell summoned creatures), given time to be studied alongside these creature summoning items, it's not that farfetched. Especially as we already know some magical research done in Slaine has spell storing weapons. In theory. So could Aura summon Hejinmal? If we follow the portrayal in the series, no. Howeve,r if Aura had whatever equipment seems to let Quintia do this, then yes. She probably could. Unless these items have some strange sapiency limit. Though if magical beasts can be stored that doesn't make mcuh sense. ----- A man and a woman followed after them. The one who walked in front was a young man. All ten of his fingers had rings adorning them. A gentle smile shone from his face. V14 (Being able to summon and control such a monster…. So this is the power of the man known as the Strongest Beast Tamer….)  This was the source of the man’s epithet.  He was able to control at least ten powerful monsters that one would need to be a hero to defeat. [WN]


Walking past him, Ainz activated a special skill on the two corpses of the Gigant Basilisks, transforming them into zombies. [WN]

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