Saturday, July 31, 2021

[Repost] Season 4 Translations and Rambling


Ahoy hoy. 

Ziggy is here!

……………….Several months late!!

Behold my punctuality (and gradually falling apart life)!


“Who’s Ziggy?”

Like that matters!

If yo haven’t heard, Overlord by Maruyama Kugane is getting another anime season adaptation. Hooray!

But it’s not only another season, it’s also getting a movie adaptation! Hopefully the brutal stuff doesn’t get censored! Like that one meme wisely said, “Aim for the children!”

The adaptation will cover Volume 10 and 11 and the movie will be the Holy Kingdom arc (no answer on if it’s all of it or not). It’s funny to think Volume 10 and 11 are getting a single season when Volume 10 and Volume 11 were originally only supposed to be Volume 10 before it bloated into two separate volumes. What a time to be alive. At least this answers that “how would they even animate Season 4 anyway, leave off ona cliff hanger??” Good times…. 

So as is tradition with Overlord anime adaptations, we actually have some statements from the big names on the projects. If you didn’t know, don’t worry they are never anything major. It’s nice to see this little-known tradition continue. 

Enough padding to hit my word quota though, on to the actual stuff you want to read instead of my inane rambling!


May 8th 2021

Main Staff Comments For The TV Series Fourth Season!

 Source Material: Maruyama Kugane

Finally the information embargo has been lifted, now Overlord is receiving another anime adaptation! It was decided this will be called the 4th Season. — However for an entirely unrelated discussion, to tell the truth it seems like I hear the  impending *dondon*(banging on the door) looming. …….It’s bad. Please disregard the author’s sense of pressure, and I’d would be pleased if everyone could genuinely enjoy it! Really, it’s bad…...

Character Drafts: So-bin

The Volume 10 I particularly like finally is getting a screen adaptation.  I can’t wait to savor the animation….of the revulsion on her face while reading his submission. 

I’m so hyped!

Director: Naoyuki Ito

They finally decided to make the anime’s fourth season and movie. Ainz and company founded a nation but what do they set their machinations toward next? What fate awaits those they’ve strung along this entire time? We are working to create an adaptation that will please fans of the source material and fans of anime in general. Please look forward to it. 

Series Organizer:  Yukie Sugawara

What seems like good fortune? What can be seen as misfortune, misery, or hell to one can jmay unexpectedly appear like paradise to onlookers in the surroundings.  And vice versa. ---This time it’s that sort of story. 

Thanks to everyone, a fourth season of the anime & a movie have been realized.To be involved is good fortune!  Hang in there!!

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