Saturday, May 1, 2021

[Article] Red vs Blue - A story of Registered Overlord Sex Offenders

Ziggy was going through existential loathing as he/she/it is want to do when  someone brought up how they have trouble remembering the twins in Blue Rose as distinct people. Never fear, 




AUTISM-MAN is here!


Well fuq you too imaginary person in my head! 




Gefungefun. Now for those who just want the lifehacks, here's what Ziggy associates between the two. There's a visual and name way to do it so either work depending on what you are enjoying, the books or the anime/game. If you're reading the manga... better master how to see grayscale then!


 Tia - Blue Male Sexual Disposition LIKES GIRLS

Tina - Red  Female Sexual Disposition  LIKES BOYS little boys

*remember some people consider Pink to be a shade of Red (is it only ancient boomers now?)

The one in Volume 10 is red(the one that didn't fight Entoma). 

The one that fights Entoma is Blue.

Tina(Red) has an N in her name, she likes something in her but small n's not big N's. ie shotas

Tia(Blue) has no N in her name, she doesn't like it inside her. Yuribait.

Lakyus with the Taco Block.

This seems to have been swapped in the Web novel to Light Novel.

 Tina: Past Ijaniya. One of triplets. She is wickedly lesbian.

 Tia: Past Ijaniya. One of triplets. She is wickedly shotacon.


 In the Web Novel it's Tina who saves Evileye and sniffs her.


“Sniff sniff, nice smell.”

“This is not the time to play, you idiot!”

  Evileye screamed at Tina who had no panic in her voice and was instead rubbing her face on her comrade.


AREN'T I CLEVER!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Umu, umu.

Now class, for those who already can master how to spot Ara Ara Closet  Pedo Bears from Female Lockerroom Molesters, you can go to lunch early. For all the bakas like Ziggy, time for some practical exercises!

Exercise 1A:

In Volume 5, which twin was brought when Lakyus met Renner?

That was because there was someone seated in the shadows in the corner of the room, hugging their knees to themselves. She was a woman, who wore form-fitting black clothing that seemed utterly incongruous with the room’s atmosphere. “Wha-!” Shocked, Climb grabbed at the sword at his waist and lowered his stance, prepared to protect Renner. Lakyus sighed. “Now you’ve gone and scared Climb by taking on that stance.” There was no caution or awareness of danger in Lakyus’s cool voice. Climb realized what that meant and let the strength drain from his shoulders. “Understood, boss.” The woman seated in the darkness sprang to her feet in an instant. “Ah, you probably don’t know her, Climb. She’s a member of my team—”


You can either remember which twin it was, the reason Lakyus brought this one over the other, or the reaction to Climb!

“—It’s Tina-san,” Renner helpfully supplied.


So using our rule... Tina has an N in her name. Thus, she likes it n her. But only the little n's. Ara Ara indeed.


“—That girl should be gathering intelligence today. The three of us were supposed to come here together, but in the end our Oni leader handed out work at the last minute. It’s all our Oni leader’s fault.” 

Needless to say, that voice came from Tina. A frightening smile came over Lakyus’ face as she heard the words “Oni”. Climb tore his eyes away and said:

 “I see… I hope I’ll be able to see her sometime.” “Climb, Tina-san and Tia-san are twins. Even their hairstyles are almost identical.” “So once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen the other.” Climb did not think the matter was that simple, but he nodded in understanding. 

Still, Tina stared unabashedly at Climb, making him feel uncomfortable. His original plan was just to bear with it, but then he realized that she might have noticed something about him, and so he made up his mind to ask her: 

“Is something the matter?” 

“You’re too big.”


Exercise 1B:

Why did Lakyus not bring the other twin in Volume 5?

Answer: she's a female sexual predator! Renner's Golden carpet would be in danger.

“Ah, I—” “—Quiet. I didn’t bring Tia along because she’d fill Renner’s head with nonsense. So could you please understand that and not blabber on so much?” “Yes, Oni Boss.”


Exercise 2: 

Which twin died in Volume 6?

This one is a little harder since there isn't so blatant a hint. In this case the color of the twin may be easier to remember. There is an illustration of the fight against some of Blue Rose and Entoma after all. 

It's the Blue One. Damn Yuricon. Trying to murder the little bug girl so she can munch up all the girls. Kappa. Ziggy likes how she says something about Blue Blood too. Much subtle such wow Maruyama.

Sorry about that, Tia. I thought I was a goner.” 

“So your blood is red too, Gagaran.”

 “What are you acting all surprised for? It’s not like this is the first time you’ve seen me get hurt.” 

I thought you’d start to bleed blue by now. Like a power up.”


Remember, no N means that she doesn't like it in her. 

Basically the lesbian saved the butch lady. 

Exercise 3: 

Which Twin went with Gagarin to tain?

"The one that died! lel"

Which was....?

The lesbian!

“Speaking of which, what happened to Aindra-sama? I haven’t seen her around recently…” “Hm? I don’t think anyone mentioned it, right? Princess, didn’t you tell him?” “…I forgot. It seems like she’s training with Gagaran-san and Tia-san.

“Exactly what I said. …She’s not a warrior, no matter how you look at it. Now this is a warrior.” “Oi oi, you can train your body with experience, you know.” “So you’re going to evolve then, Gagaran?” The thieves’ faces quietly hardened. “Don’t be mean, I feel sorry for that girl.” “Hey! Is it me or have you gotten full of yourself since you went training with me? Oi!” “Nothing’s changed. It’s just that my sides hurts when you grab me with your ridiculous strength when I’m sleeping—”


Basically the lesbian slept in the bed with another woman. It's Tia so of course she doesn't like it N her. That's Tina. TiNa. Well only the little things in her. Ara Ara. 

Basically, Tia (the Blue Lesbian) starts always shitting on how Gagaran isn't womanly at all. That is she doesn't like how she is a woman who seems manly. 

“We were trained to do those things back then as well. Women who were not gifted in raw power or arcane talents could only resort to weaponizing their femininity. Though Gagaran cannot relate at all, I’ll still explain their methods. First—” Evileye tuned out of Tia’s explanation and spoke to Lakyus instead.


Exercise 4:

Which twin helped Evileye and Gagaran mind control Lakyus?

Guess what, it's the one that preys on innocent women, sneaking into their beds (even if some would dispute Gagran is a woman). In Overlord Mass for the Dead(OBAMA), this twin also almost tried to assault adventurer Solution, AKA Soi. 

"OBAMA's not canon Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

Canon my ass Maruyama probably was the one who added that detail reeeeeeeeeeeeee.

If you responded, Tina, you're wrong!

Tia is the lesbian. And she's the one who tries to use date-rape drugs on virgin women. She even tried to drug Renner! Tsk tsk. Such a lust for carpet munching. Who!?

Not long later, Tia returned alone with the Warm Bottle. “Where’s Mr. Unglaus and Tina?” “Hmmm? Those two went looking for desserts to pair with the tea, so I came back first.” 

The tea that flowed out of the Warm Bottle was excessively thick. “Hey. Oni boss. It feels nice to down it in one gulp. It’s got a clean texture.” “Thank you.” “The taste is honestly excellent, I suppose Your Highness the Princess would not need my recommendation. Please have my share too, it cooled down already.” Tia placed her filled cup of tea in front of Renner. Such a breach of etiquette angered Lakyus somewhat, but Tina kept silent anyways.

Lakyus picked up her cup and breathed in the fragran— smell. Her expression became twisted. “The taste was too strong…” “Don’t mind it.” “…Of course I would mind. This is the first time I have drank such a strong tea. How many leaves did you add…?” “Hey hey. I know you said this was your first time, but there’s no need to quiver with such excitement~” “So that was why they were looking for desserts, to balance the flavor. Understandable… Renner, you were right to not drink it.” “How rude. Not even the term ‘oni’ could do you justice, oni boss.” “Haaaah, just try to make something more edible next time.” Lakyus picked up her cup and slipped from the corner of her lips. Her expression twisted into something resembling the character. Just how thick was the tea? Tia, who stood next to Lakyus stole glances at her and asked in a matter-offact tone, “Is it tasty?” “Hah? If I am being honest, it is too bitter. I would not call it good — hugh!”

Who would have thought that Lakyus would be penetrated by Tia? 


If you haven't noticed, Tia is the creepy sexual predator. Tina seems to be more reserved. Tia tends to need to be stopped from being a defiant otherwise she cannot control herself(in other canons at least). Or maybe Tina is just better at veiling her own sexual predator nature. 

“Yes. After all, we have to consider that we will take in many children in the future, and there will be others from those regions directly administered by the Crown. With that in mind, even a building of that size might not be big enough. Children are my treasure, and we need to take care of them to make sure they don’t go down the wrong path.” “Hmmm. Hime-sama, that’s a good head on your shoulders.”“What are you trying to say, Tina?” “I was thinking about how children without their parents would live, Evileye.” 


Damn pedobear. Going to go Brain on some orphan boys not even in puberty, adopt them and then run them ragged with physical training! The fiend!

“No, I can understand gathering those brats for that reason, and it’s pretty admirable too. If you can actually produce results, it would be worthy of praise.It’s just that people are going to be suspicious if you do something without expecting anything in return.” “Evileye’s heart is twisted because she works too hard.” “Oi! You’re the same type as me, aren’t you?” “Certainly not. I am very pure. It’s only you who has been stained.” Cheh! The sound of an explosive scoff came from beneath the mask.


“Evileye, you really do break down once it comes to Momon… Didn’t our oni leader say you can’t do that sort of thing?” “So help me keep it a secret!” “Well, my lips are pret~ty loose, so they’ll reveal everything in an instant.” “Oi, that would be impossible given your prior vocation, right?” “Alas, I am now Tina of “Blue Rose”, also known as ‘Can’t Keep A Secret To Save Her Life’.” It was then that Tina’s eyes took on a serious gleam



If anything, if we look past sexual preferences, Tina does seem more sarcastic than Tia. Tia is more direct and her bullying tends to be more targeted. Like the Blue Blood thing earlier. Or maybe that's just Ziggy forcing his beliefs on others. Umu.

Ziggy now must return to his people. If this helped anyone then it was worth the time spent on making it. Hm?

....It didn't help anyone? 


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