Sunday, July 10, 2022

[Repost] That's a Dark Elf For You

Think about this when you read Volume 15. 



 Aura: Aah! Wait, you two, why are you advancing!? I used Rain Arrow, Galac-
tic Shot, and Shadow-piercing Arrow, so get out of there n
A barrage of arrows whistle in the air making contact with the ground. A metal-
lic thud is heard as well. The Evil Tree roars in response to the attack.
Shalltear: Why is she using her skills now, that Aura?
Cocytus: A. Part. Of. My. Exoskeleton. Armor. Got. Cut. Not. Good, My.
Defense. Has. Decreased.
Shalltear: As for me, if you were not there, I would have deβlected it with
Negative Shock Shield, arinsu.
Cocytus: I. Apologize. For. That. Hmm, Its. Movement. Seems. To. Have.
Stopped. From. The. Effect. Of. Aura’s. Shadow-piercing. Arrow. Then. I. Will.
Blast. Away. At. Least. Its. Lower. Half. SKILL ACTIVATE: <Achalanata>!
Shalltear: Eh?
(Further away...)
Pinison: That rain of arrows of light was pretty . That’s a dark elf for you .
Hamsuke: You do not seem surprised.
Pinison: Yeah, if it’s that much. But maybe it’s better if I tell them. There are many plant-type monsters with resistance to arrows that you’d expect. there shouldn’t be much damage.

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