Friday, September 13, 2024

[Article] Violet Eyes, Purple, and Watches (added Season 2 clock images)

 Ahoy hoy, Ziggy-desu. 

Let's talk about genetics, light physics, and watch making!!!

(this will make sense later Ziggy swears facts on wikipedia muh lads and ladettes)

Long ago, in the ancient era of the 1900s, there was once an actress, famous for her 'violet' eyes. How so you might say, that never came up in biology class. Was Gundam and the Dark Souls character creator canon all along and purple was a real eye colour!?

 Well to understand Violet eyes we must first understand what the color 'violet' even, truly is. You see, 'purple' doesn't actually exist. The entire world is being gaslit by physics! The horror! God, the internet, the God Internet, Buddha, the Kami, the ancestral spirits, Democracy, and the Queen are all lying to you sheeple.

But in all seriousness, lightons, the actual components of light that make colour have no 'purple'. Purple is actually a byproduct of 'overlapping' lightons. You may remember in science class how light can split from white light into every other color correct? In the famous Newton experiment? Well subatomic particles can only come in red, green, or blue, yet purple does not map correctly to the wavelength it has in white light that it should have (when you overlap the wave lengths via math and science shit). The same logic applies to all RGB displays: they produce purple light by mixing more blue with red to display purple. The three receptors in your eye also respond to red, green, and blue light. Yellow exists because red and green cones are stimulated in your feeble organic eye camera orb thingies, meanwhile green is between red and blue on Newton's experiment when you analyze light waves. 

Someone on Youtube or on the internet can probably explain that better and technically if you so desire. Anywho-

Basically glossing over several hours of physics and particle physics: your brain gas lights you into thinking purple exists. Is it gas lighting if everyone's brains tells them something exists when it doesn't?

The same was true of that famous actress with violet eyes: really she most likely had dark blue eyes (as violet requires more blue than red). The red admixture? Well have you seen an albino with no melanin? They have sharp red eyes because that's the colour of blood behind your eyes since blood is the medium the human body uses throughout itself. Melanin makes it brown, green, grey, etc and blue is a byproduct of a lens defect in the eye in fact. 

Thus, most likely the 'violet' eye effect stems from blue irises and visible red blood vessels to create a 'violet' visual perception, external lightning making this more visually apparent (since all light ricochets against each other).

The same logic behind all purple being red and blue overlapping.

Neat huh?

Now what in the Six Great Gods does this have to do with Overlord?

Well we have a certain pretty boy with violet eyes, or well amethyst coloured eyes in Overlord: 

a certain Emperor by the name of Jircniv Rune Farlord El-nix.


Now in a world with MMO genetics floating around, we have a strange problem - dumb eye colours can be passed around with genes and they just work because fantasy logic.


Case and point: in the Slaine theocracy, NekoNyan had blue hair - since he came from an MMO. So likely anyone in Slaine with blue hair is descended from him. Brain however dyed his hair blue for some reason (perhaps to emulate some famous blue-haired descendant of Neko Nyan as Brain himself is not religious). Clementine told us it was common for people descended from the Great Gods to be strong so little wonder one or two of Neko Nyan's kids were famous. Though it could also be just because of some ohter blue-haired person out there. In Fire Emblem Lords always have blue hair after all.  

Anywhos, Jircniv's purple eyes are odd because the main human ethnic group in this region of the New World has blue eyes and blonde hair - a point as Gazef having southern blood (dark hair and eyes) stands out. As someone pointed out, that also might suggest Gazef has some Theocracy blood but it could also be just Greed King area genes. Even the odd coloured eyes tend to be brown or green and nothing so outrageous as some other colours at least mentioned in text.


 The man was roughly 175cm tall, and he looked to be around the age of 20. His hair was blond and his eyes were blue, while his skin had a healthy tan. His looks were hardly uncommon in the Empire.


The final man of the Noble Faction had slicked-back blonde hair and narrow blue eyes. His face was pale and unhealthy-looking, with little sign that it had seen much sunlight. He was tall and skinny. Combined with his sallow complexion, he gave off the impression of a snake. He was not yet forty, but looked older because of his unhealthy pallor.



So then, where did these purple eyes come from?

Many used to think Jircniv's family was related to Clementine's as she has purple eyes too. 

Yet, something odd about this is no one ever mentions the El-nix family being tied to Slaine or the Six Great God faith at all. Rather Jircniv is even somewhat agnostic seeing religion as little more than something in society used by the church and which provides medical treatment only. He considers adopting another faith in fact to counter Ainz specifically.

As you probably do not recall - (who reads this garbage Ziggy writes anyway?) -Jircniv likely is descended from the El-nix family which was tied to the old Red Gold Kingdom or Red Gold Dynasty. Suffice it to say, the Red Powered suit likely was from his ancestor. 

Now etymologically, this is supported by his name having no Slaine baptismal name unlike every other noble family (notable Dale and Di). We have yet to hear of a Rune or Farlord family however in Slaine - these words being more English instead of Latin which Slaine names tend to be.

Another note: only Jircniv is ever mentioned directly for his amethyst eyes and no other character - though few ever have their features described at all in Overlord. As we discussed in the article you probably did not read, Jircniv's hair actually has a peculiar trait - it appears to actually have YGGDRASIL lighting physics just like the maids of Nazarick do in fact. 

What then, is the point of bringing up purple and amethyst eyes?

Well, the strongest inclination of Jircniv's family being descended from a Player is how his name is 'El-nix'. This was often thought to be  shortened form of the word 'electronic'. However, in the ancient past of the 20th and 21st centuries C.E., watches were once made with purple rubies (or sapphires). Most notably, a certain Japanese watch brand called Seiko and it's line of Elnix watches. 

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

So why purple? Why Jircniv? 

Likely Maruyama had one of these old Elnix watches with purple quartz crystals. Did he play with his watch or perhaps he just had to change the battery a lot because he bought bad batteries? Who can say. The fact is, to Maruyama 'purple' and 'Elnix' are connected concepts. 

Now why crystals? Well it has do with friction and mechanical physics - crystals are 'hard' and are better even then small gears for some moving parts in watches (which can have like 20,000 movements a minute) so needless to say friction plus metal typically leads to malfunction. Quartz watches displaced old gear watches because they were more reliable and easier to make. These crystals are pictured below(called jewels even on the watches themselves):

In particular the Seiko Elnix even had a model with a purple face-plate, the 0703-7040  which also was made in 1974 that was battery powered and not perma-crystal powered. Supposedly this was the last battery powered model. Read more on some blog Ziggy found on the internet that sounds probably true! Probably! The best kind of true!

Anyway, Ziggy did find this watch was the last 'battery' powered watch series from them so in a way it's anachronistic chronographs! Wow! So much Chrono even before Chrono Cross! The horror! 

The oddest thing is they called these watches the 'last emperor' some sort of parlance in watch collecting and watch technology. How nifty and tangentially linked to Emperor El-nix and his two jewel eyes! Nifty! Well his eyes aren't literal jewels after all - though in watches purple sapphires (or rubies based on definition - in watches they call them sapphires even though they are the same stone chemically) are called 'jewels' as well.

So in a strange homage to an obscure line of watches from Japan, Maruyama made the nation headed by the purple eyed Emperor connected to the old nation with the Red Powered Suit, weird old future technology!

Now what was the point of all this?

 Well, there is something odd in Overlord - we've talked about it before actually. There are actually advanced mechanical clocks in Overlord - even though Slaine uses the 24 hour watches of YGGDRASIL and derivatives. The oddest thing is Slaine's watches use Arabic numbers, as all modern technology does but for some reason in the anime, the Kingdom had roman numeral clock towers and clocks. 

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

In Volume 10, Climb for example mentions mechanical pocket watches in fact exist. 

So if we look at Jircniv's name and his family's connection to the Red Gold Kingdom - one common possibility is the Red Gold Monarch was also a watch-collector or someone who liked mechanical watches. Perhaps he only played YGGDRASIL because it had powered suits and he was into mecha stuff? This might all be retoactive copium but it does appear Maruyama intended it based on some older character (hence why Jircniv tends to have very positive character fates).

The common idea here is just like Decem's father who brought hyper advanced mechanical compound bows into the New World, Jircniv's ancestor might have brought pocket watches and all non-magical clock keeping devices! What a strange, hyper specific, hyper focused piece of Isekai technology to pass on!

Now, we do know the The Goal of All Life is Death - so someone who saw that 'clock; might have made the first clocks - but clockwork is something that exists in the Kingdom but seldom elsewhere - and no one in Slaine's special forces brings up 'mechanical watches' instead using YGGDRASIL ones or ones derived from YGGDRASILwatches that use a 24-hour system not a 12 hour system of time(the 24 hour watches coming from old electronic displays of lit up cells while the 12 hour clocks descend from Babylon's Base 60 counting system and 360 day calendar and so time was split into 12 partitions on a dial or 30 degree between each number and so 12 times 30 is 360 or the number of degrees in a circle).  Wow so much clock lore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Momonga gripped the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown tightly. He was just an ordinary salaryman, and he lacked the financial power or connections to change that fact. He was just another Player who could only watch the closing time as it approached. The time on his watch read 23:57. The server would shut down at 00:00. There was little time left. The virtual world would end, and he would have to go back to reality the next da

Momonga sighed. He had to wake up at four tomorrow. He had to sleep the moment the servers shut down in order not to affect the next day’s work. 23:59:35, 36, 37 Momonga set his watch to count out the seconds. 23:59:48, 49, 50 Momonga closed his eyes. 23:59:58, 59—


What Nigun had in his breast pocket now was a rare treasure that very few people in the Slaine Theocracy possessed. In other words, it was Nigun’s secret weapon. Nigun glanced at the metal band on his wrist. Numbers floated up from its surface, indicating that the appointed time had come. “Then… begin the operation.” Nigun and his subordinates began casting spells.


If the King passed away, the First Prince would inherit the throne, and Renner would be married off to one of the Great Nobles. In all likelihood, the Prince had already arranged something like this with one of them. She might even be sent to another country as part of a political marriage. The fact that Renner — who was of marriageable age — was still single and had no fiancé was quite surprising. Their time together was so precious that he would pay any price to halt the march of the clock’s hands, just so he could preserve these golden moments forever. If he did not spend his time on training, he could enjoy more of these moments.


The magic item in his pocket vibrated, and Climb took it out. It was a pocket watch, just large enough to fit into his palm, with three hands ― the hour, the minute, and the second ― which traced a halo of twelve numbers. While large mechanical clocks existed, personal watches only existed within the Kingdom as magic items. As pocket watches were closely linked to everyday life, they were fairly cheap, as far as magic items went. That said, they were still not something a commoner could afford. Climb had borrowed the pocket watch which he now bore, and so it differed from regular magic items in that it possessed a magical ability. The name of the watch was Twelve Magical Power. Once per day, when the watch reached a set time, it would unleash its magic. However, one would need to have carried the pocket watch for at least a full day in order to enjoy that ability, so Climb ― who had just obtained this watch ― could not make use of its magic



 As you can see once its pointed out - Overlord hid the fact 12-dial clocks were specific to Re-Estize and the Empire cultures compared to Slaine: Climb confirms that all clock towers and personal watches, even new magical ones, use the 12-number format and in particular roman numerals if the anime is to be believed.. The anime made this more blatant as we see towers with roman numerals. The odd thing always was why though? The workers comment that the New World uses Arabic numbers as confirmed by the invaders and the numbers 2.0 written there. 


“Nobody understands that language. It’s not from the Kingdom or the Empire’s language, and neither does it seem to be any of the old languages from around here. It might not even be a human language. However, we did understand the number 2.0.” “A number? Logically speaking, that ought to be the date when the mausoleum was built. But in that case, it would be far too small a number.” “Arche said it might be a riddle linked to these ruins… ah, in any case, just keep it in mind.”



We know that The Goal of All life is Death, a power Ainz and Surshana both had, also uses the clock with arms. 


 It was the trump card of the Eclipse class. That skill was called [The Goal of All Life is Death]. In that moment, a clock face appeared behind Ainz, its hands indicating 12:00. Then, he cast a spell: “[Widen Magic – Cry of the Banshee].” A woman’s wail echoed through the air. This cry carried with it an instantdeath effect. Ainz had used various skills to augment this spell, so its potency was greater than normal and harder to resist. Still, it was useless against Shalltear and the [Einherjar] Construct.

The clock face behind Ainz ticked, and its hands slowly moved as the spell took effect.


Zesshi put on her helmet again and activated the power she was born with. By guiding that power into the weapon once held by a god, she could use the greatest power wielded by the god of death Surshana. And so — —– [—-The goal of all shippers is death] A clock manifested behind her immediately. This was one of her trump cards that she could only use when she wielded this great scythe. The skill that brings certain death.


The girl let out a voice of surprise. A display of emotion so honest that even Zesshi found it genuine. ——What? So she wasn’t an undead? Well, I can very much understand her feelings. Anyone would assume I was using some mysterious skill with unknown effects if they don’t know about this skill. But, you see. This clock behind me doesn’t have any effect by itself. It’s nothing more than cheering the power that will be coming later. Really — –it’s too soon to be surprised yet. Following that, Zesshi brought out the magics infused in the great scythe. And naturally the one she selected was — —- “——-[Death]” She heard a click at the same time she released the magic at the girl. The clock started to count the time

[Death] was generally effective the moment it was cast but when she used this special skill it needed 12 seconds to activate. She was unsure what would happen if she was killed before the time so she chose to take a defensive stance now

If that’s the case then why did the girl know about this skill? Even she herself was only making use of it with her talent and didn’t know everything about it. It’s the same for the few people in the theocracy who knew that she could use this skill. If there’s someone who could be said to know everything about it, it would be none other than the original owner of this great scythe, Surshana. Was that god behind this girl? Seeing the girl didn’t die, she felt the thought strangely real. If that’s true — -





The funniest thing, by Ziggy's sense of humour at least, however? 

Elnix watches don't use roman numerals! GASP.

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

Now if we can posit all clocks come from influence by the Red Gold monarch (he probably spent his whole life reinventing all clockwork making in theory), his hobby and why he used a Powered Suit to begin with could be revealed. YGGDRASIL was probably just some distraction if he had so much technical knowledge about clocks to actually recreate them. Recreating bow technology is one thing, as we talked about before Alah Alaf may have made compound bows with the Dark Elves 700+ years ago, we now have another Player possibly passing on technology in a weird way.

Given how hard it is to actually make these things - compound bows and mechanical clocks, this might explain why they were not more famous - they were NEETing(no lifing) it up trying to remake super advanced non-magical Earth technology. This might explain why both the Red Gold Monarch and Alah Alaf in his time with the Dark Elves did not leave behind many stories of their power even centuries later to be retold. Unlike the Great Gods and Greed Kings, they probably had a few fights, everyone knew they were strong, but not how strong, and then proceeded to have harems and do nerd stuff alone. Wow it's amazing. Truly they are the isekai protagonists we must strive to become.

Unlike the All Talk Sage who made things manifest by sharing many designs that could be made with magic, the Red Gold monarch likely spear-headed clock work design in his nation personally  as it was a craft Players can do unlike cooking or others that required classes. Given he probably wasn't a very capable government official in his past life, as we see Feudalism was common in the present and likely in the past as well, his interest was probably these diversions. As we theorized before, the soy sauce invention(we talked about before and no one cared about) was probably something he cherished and gave a YGGDRASIL item away for purely because it was something he could not make himself due to his YGGDRASIL nature(as a Player with no Cooking Classes). 

Why clocks? Well given House El-nix was related to the Red Gold monarch... maybe that was just his hobby? Why he played YGGDRASIL is a mystery, perhaps it had nothing to do with that? Given the fact he had a Powered Suit with an unaugmented heavy machine gun implies he didn't bother to upgrade his equipment much and given how little knowledge of YGGDRASIL was spread from him as nearly nothing was passed down from his nation to the Kingdom about game mechanics, he might not have even known much about the game. The fact the Holy Sword of Five Colurs (Penta Chromate) was made to target 5 weaknesses at once was to make destroying enemies easier. 


—She had thought that her armor would mitigate most of the damage, but there wasn’t even a need for that. None of the bullets struck her, they all curved away. It seemed likely that none of the bullets were enchanted. At the Floor Guardians’ level, one would have complete immunity to unenchanted projectiles. If his weapon had not been enchanted, he should not have equipped it at all. I wanted to test the destructive capabilities of his weapon… but ended up exposing one of my abilities. Given that, he would surely use an enchanted attack next…



Thematic there is also a connection between clocks being 'obsolete' technology (yet advanced in a medieval-esque fantasy world) yet also being brought by someone who used a Powered Suit - something seen as ' inferior' in the game it came from (yet also 'new'). There's some strange weird anachronism gap moe thing going on with the Red Gold Monarch and Maruyama. 


Ainz confirmed that the guardians knew not of the Powered Suit and began to exposit what he remembered of the Powered Suit’s abilities. Back in the game of Yggdrasil, the Powered Suit did not exist initially but was added in later on as an item for newly registered Players to power-level with. Also, mecha fighting games were popular back then, so it must have also been an attempt to draw in players from that player-base as well. Though he could not tell whether that contributed to this fact or not, the Powered Suit’s capabilities were quite high. First of all, just as they had seen, the suit had the ability to fly through the air at a greater speed than [Fly]. It could maintain operations for over an hour underwater without any detriments and was essentially immune to almost all environmental damage.

While the Powered Suit might be useful to weaker Players, it was completely useless to a stronger Player. Never mind Divine grade gear, even Legendary grade equipment matching a Player’s strengths could outperform the Powered Suit. That was why when Powered Suit was introduced to Yggdrasil, Ainz and his friends, who were already at max level, were not interested. The greater issue to Ainz back then was that he could barely cast spells with it equipped.



At least with the Dark Elves we see Alah Alaf teach them things like the optimal way to ambush people (as Bushwhackers) or having crafting specialists, in the Kingdom though they have a very standard form of feudalism with little deviations or even applications of New World common sense. 

Oddly, the fact their government system is more like a real one instead of a fantasy one, which accounts for levels at all, might be a vestige of the Red Gold monarch - as he was high level but probably didn't think he was more capable than anyone else hence the reason the government Re-Estize inherited doesn't value levels at all either(though the Red Gold Kingdom is not necessarily the same as the Kingdom in every facet).

We see the Empire slowly modernize but for some odd reason Re-Estize refuses to change things. Perhaps it was a tradition to maintain the same old system? No matter what, there could be traces of how he set the nation up and their legal system that was passed down in some way. Alas, Feudalism is always unstable and tend to collapse after a few generations so perhaps their decline was inevitable for stagnation is the death of many cultures and markets. 

The humor is the Red Gold Monarch like Dark Elf Alah Alaf Hougan is they spent a century mainly just having a slice of life existence for the most part, theoretically. Rather than Gods or Kings, they were just influential people in the cultures they ended up in and focused more on creating technology and new skill sets they would then pass down. 

What we see Dark Elf Hougan make is mainly bows, apothecary experiments, oil production, and various cultural teachings. The Red Gold monarch may have spread all the Earth ideas of Feudalism though we don't know how it was originally only in it's descendant states. Besides the overly complicated Feudalism however, he likely also made clocks for whatever reason. If his name really was Elnix like the watches, then it does show that was just something he liked.

One joke about the Elnix's is they were actually made before the Elnix name was slapped on them to sound fancier - they just had generic serial numbers before. This happens often when a new idea is being tried out but it's not branded as such. So 'electronic' watches before the Seiko Elnix exist just they are not called Elnix's. Ironically, the precursor never being called the same as the branded one might be an intentional joke by Maruyama to never name the Red Gold Dynasty and the Red Gold Kingdom in relation to the Empire and Kingdom though that might be a departure from his intent. 

As one of Maruyama's friends named the Red Gold Kingdom, actually the Re-Estize name is the hint that reveals that for Maruyama this is all some back and forth joke with them. Once you understand the joke it all starts to make sense why Maruyama is so cryptic with this one nation and culture in particular. Maruyama sure loves to tease ideas doesn't he?




Well, Jircniv having purple eyes is important. And Maruyama must have really liked this old watch he had for some reason. It's pretty that's for sure. 

In Mass for the Dead however, we have an interesting case of another character in the Empire having purple eyes (and purple hair). In fact, the odd character Sophie Noia for some reason has purple eyes as well. 


Odder still is how she became one of Fluder's top disciples as a Tier 4 magic user. But how was she accepted so easily? The Empire does welcome the strong, but it does seem sudden given she only became prominent after the cracks formed(the imperial ministry of magic tends to be very closely linked to the government so it's strange she appeared out of nowhere almost like an isekaied Player). 

With all we said, it seems even more likely House El-nix is related to a Player and so we have an odd connection here - those with purple eyes are those with hereditary ties to the same ancient Dynasty of the Red Gold monarch. In that case, even if not in title, they share some connection to House El-nix. Perhaps Imina's purple hair was also a sign - of how she was not as mistreated perhaps someone thinking she had ties to the old El-nix blood?

If we posit further, Sophie has purple hair and eyes, so perhaps that is the original phenotype of the Red Gold monarch - and Jircniv's blood is more diluted. It's not uncommon for bloodlines to split and diverge after all. Though in the Empire this takes on a new meaning - anyone withe purple eyes and hair could be descended from the Emperor's bloodline and thus those in power would be wary of it. Likely this is how Imina a half was not as mistreated as she could have been, perhaps by accident with her purple hair. Her origin is a mystery however so perhaps her elf parent was a slave to some noble with Elnix blood? 

Alas, back to Sophie. We may never truly know Imina's origins.

Clementine tells us those with Player genes often are stronger than those without, so likely Sophie might be from a branch family who after generations kept the purple hair and eyes based on power to a degree. If level was tied to hair and eyes, it is not uncommon to think that some would value it if not all. In Slaine those traits are associated with the gods so it was cherished, but in the Empire it was likely more seen as signs of Imperial descent. 


 The Slane Theocracy worshiped Six Great Gods. And there were those amongst its population that had inherited the blood of Gods. They had the hidden potential to become much, much stronger.

 In a sense, even Clementine had their blood.

 However, that was all she had. She was far away from being called a Godkin.

 Those were people who had awakened the power of the Gods hidden in their blood.

 Currently, the Theocracy only had two. One was the Head of the Black Scripture that Clementine used to work for, and the other was the Head Priest of the Theocracy.

 Their abilities were on another level, and should they use the equipment left behind by the gods, it was said that they could level a continent.



It's plausible that at some point House El-nix either in the Red Gold dynasty or in the Empire made a branch family that concentrated it's 'combat' members(after all they would be marginally stronger than most other families due to YGGDRASIL genetics). This might even be the origin of the Noble Fighter system in the Empire(something not as common in the Kingdom) in fact- House El-nix splitting duties between those best at ruling and those best at fighting. Again, as Clementine said, overall these people tend to have more power than others on average so it's sensible they became a martial noble house of some standing if not part of the main Imperial family. Sophie being a Tier 4 caster doesn't guarantee this connection - but the idea she has purple eyes, purple hair, and is a Tier 4 magic caster does at least suggest there might be some heritage in common given how rare purple hair can be (when natural).  


Noble Fighter Lv. ? Priest Lv. ? Cursed Knight Lv. ? Others 

{ personal character }

 Born as the daughter of a noble family, she earned respect and honor by taking up the sword to slay monsters within her family’s domain.



In the web novel supposedly Jircniv had a few relatives still alive, and it's suggested one of the remaining Margraves there was related to him.  


“I have never faced a non-dangerous situation in my life. Even when I killed my uncle, and when I killed my brothers. A single misstep would have destroyed me. However, I beat the odds. Even now. I will not lose.” Jircniv looked at everyone in the room. His upright and noble figure resembled one of an emperor.


Blood related relatives of the Emperor would be Dukes, and below them were Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts and Barons. A Frontier Earl was equivalent to a Marquis in the Empire. It was the highest rank that a non-blood related noble could reach, excluding marriage. Such a noble had a large private army, a wide and vast territory and could make their own laws to a limited extent. Considering that, it was a suitable position for Ainz. “….How many Frontier Earls are there in the Empire?” “Currently two.” During the reign of the Blood Emperor, Frontier Earls were the nobles that were removed due to their level of authority. When Jircniv just became Emperor, there were five. Despite the fact that they were meant to protect the borders of the Empire.


However, that change had a huge importance. Basically, this had the two meanings that Ainz was special enough for Jircniv to create a new position for him, and that he was highly valued. If a Frontier Earl was equivalent to a Marquis, then a Frontier Marquis would be equivalent to a Duke, or so the nobles would think Ainz would be equal to a blood-related Duke. And his war potential was beyond imagination. Basically he was be someone who was infinitely close to the position of Emperor. Jircniv believed that this position would be suitable to meet Ainz’s silent demand



Now we do not know for sure the real hair color of the Red Gold monarch, but likely if he was a fan of old watches as suggested by his name, then like all Seiko Elnix watches he liked in particular, he might have chosen purple eyes and hair just because these watches used purple jewels (purple rubies or sapphires). The prevalence of clock towers and mechanical watches being rare but not unknown does suggest it was tied to nobility at some point as well in the Kingdom and Empire cultures which does tangentially relate the two by their old social class and circumstances respectively.

The common joke in Overlord is how hyper advanced mechanical technology gets overlooked by actual magic and isekai relics. So we have two cases: Alah Alaf's (supposed) compound bows are still usable as advanced level 0 relics (around 700 years later) and the Red Gold monarch's clock-smithing lives on to this day at least up until the Kingdom's destruction. 

Now Maruyama likely had to explain why he used clock metaphors in the web novel so he had to invent or connect those concepts to this Red Gold monarch to explain it as well as weirdly Japanese facets of Re-Estize and Empire culture. Likely Jircniv was always related to a Player (in the web novel he had even different colored hair) but this Player likely was not the reason for the Japanese culture there and the Kingdom - that was made retroactively to answer any strangeness in the setting. 

Maruyama often laments how straightforward everything was in the web novel and he even changed cultural aspects to address 'inconsistencies'. The fact he kept some things in the story shows he probably made these explanations to address how these concepts did not exist in the New World before Players and should not have existed.

 If there is a connection between Dark Elf Tob bows and clocks is a mystery. Perhaps Tob bows were in circulation more centuries ago as rare trinkets of the Dark Elves - they are quite strong after all? We know they are made of metal so likely they have actual metal gears in them so someone could have studied those to invent clocks. Though given El-nix's name, it was most likely him. 

Antilene brings up an interesting point however - she sees the The Goal of All Life is Death clock as a clock. Why Slaine uses and knows of these is strange if they used the 24 hour watches of YGGDRASIL and how rare they are as non-magical artifacts. It's always possible one of the Gods also made clock towers there and it spread to Re Estize and the Empire. Though, the El-nix connection is strange in that regard that Player possibly had a Elnix and took it as his family name. 

What Ziggy hypothesizes happened was likely the Red Gold monarch, someone who liked watches and used a mecha in YGGDRASIL because he liked technology, came to this world and got his hands on a Dark Elf compound bow. As this bow had advanced gears, he might have used those to make the first mechanical clocks of this world using whatever gears and wires were in the advanced Dark Elf bows. in a strange way, one culture inspired another from one player to the next. Thus gear technology was made in reverse - its use in bows to inspire clocks when in fact compound bows were made well after clocks in our world. It's a funny inversion of the actual development. 

Now this just sounds like a Maruyama troll moment, where he wants to make it seem like clock-towers always existed and then bows came into existence, given how he refuses to describe these bows in great detail and never once dwells on the towers(the anime makes more effort to show these clocks than he did in his writing). Ziggy doesn't know who he is making fun with this, but it likely is one of his friends who was very autistic about clockwork things and gear technology. The common link of gear based designs and pulleys seems like something someone autistic would fixate. Though perhaps Maruyama's old fascination before fantasy was gear-based technology as he played with his old watch?

Ziggy imagines the motif of clocks being tied to the Goal of All Life is Death was something he was planning as he claims Antilene's power was established since Volume 4 in fact. Given she does use Volume 3 powers, then that suggests those statements are correct. So all this round about usage of clocks as cultural ideas even in magic items and metaphors is sort of a way to show tongue and cheek how isekai makes culture weird - as someone can just appear and bring new ideas and technology from basically no where to change the progress of civilization in drastic ways. It is strange how Antilene comments about people being confused by the clock - when most people would see it as a timer if they had a clock in their culture.

Compound bows are something for example that can even surpass primitive, musket fire arms and cross bows due to how they exploit physics. The joke in Overlord is these bows are so good even though they are level 0 and have no enchantments they are made so precisely they still outperform weak enchanted and bows with levels. 

Again, the anime will likely prove the bow of Decem's family is the same as the Dark Elf bows - linking the two cultures oddly enough (besides someone like Blueberry with his very peculiar hair and skin color for a dark elf no one mentions). 

Likewise, clock technology is something that still likely exists as Tier Magic is not good at enchanting large things, only items that were wearable. So large clock towers are likely where clock-smith art found a place to survive even as magic made magical pocket watches  more common. Technology sometimes lives on in strange places. 

Alas, that seems about all we can say for now. It's always possible Jircniv's family name is a coincidence and so is the purple eye color. These things happen in life and in fiction. Hopefully, this little tangent on physics and specific Japanese watches was interesting. Connecting things in such distinct ways is one of the appeals of Overlord once you understand the game system and the broader politics. As you get older, little games of anthropology are quiant and show how culture isn't so simple as just political imperialism and fighting over stuff (though that happens most of the time). Sometimes weird jank non-sense appears - like the Byzantine navy just having flamethrowers or the Chinese dynasties inventing gun powder for fireworks or the Incans having hyper advanced well technology for their tech level. 

Remember cake is not a lie, purple is the true lie. But wait if purple is the colour of royalty.... GASP.


Below is the Momon clock tower picture from anime season 2. 




Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Magical Natural Philosphy 2nd Edition

[Article] Technical Technicalities Master

Ahoy hoy my smol children. Ziggy's still at it (that bastard). 

Today is a minor topic that required much pondering due to the vagueries of it's inclusion. Of all the job-classes in Overlord two stand out for how little context is given to them. Most other job-classes appear to at least be tied to archetypes but the two that stand out the most are (in Ziggy's opinion) Technical Master from Buser and Athletic Master from Azuth. 

So what are they?

Well this requires knowledge from tabletop RPGs, but an Athletic skill exists of sorts, in many games so let us begin there. What are Athletics? Well it's many actions related to performing physical feats - Maruyama uses it for several scenes but it's the formula basically to do those things. It typically encompasses swimming, vaulting, and running, those sort of 'athlete' things funnily enough. Or not. You attempt athletics skill tests in various ways in games but typically it has rules in how to handle them instead of a physics engine running calculations. 


Having given up on himself, there was no hesitation in Ainz’s movements. Using his superior athletic ability, he mounted the Wise King of the Forest with a masterful vault. If he were an athlete, his name would have gone down in the history books. He did not have a saddle or reins, but several hours of experience was enough for Ainz to learn how to skillfully mount up. The pedestrians were gasping in awe as far as his eyes could see. He could even hear the sounds of women screaming in excitement. In particular, he felt the piercing gazes of his fellow adventurers burning into him. After seeing the copper plate around Ainz’s neck, their eyes went wide with disbelief.


“Kufu!!” Albedo squeezed her legs together and hopped up in an adorable manner — the motion sending her into the ceiling. Such was the case when one possessed superhuman athletic ability. Ping! Or rather, it was a boom. A startling crash came from the ceiling, so great was the force of the impact. As they heard what sounded like a bomb exploding, the translucent bodies of several incorporeal monsters poked themselves out of the ceiling.


The ends of the rope were tied to iron pitons sunk into the rock, and they creaked as they swayed. If anyone present could see through invisibility, they would be able to see a group of people descending the ropes. This much was nothing even for someone like Arche, who had focused on honing her magical prowess over her physical body and had not learned much in the way of athletic skills. Or rather, it would be better to say that both Workers and adventurers needed at least that much physical training. The training and the knots were put to good use as each Worker descended without a problem, landing within the tomb grounds.


Kaijali flexed his arms in a front double bicep curl. They bulged mightily under his skin. “Kinda like that. And if you need a more impressive demonstration…” Next, Kaijali flexed his pectorals with a side chest spread. Although he was quite short, his athletic, muscular body attested to the fact that he was a born warrior. Nfirea wondered Why these poses? However, he could sense Kaijali’s goodwill, so he did not actually ask that question. Still, there was one question he wanted to ask.


“Understood. Then, permit me this intrusion.” With that, she gracefully vaulted off her horse and landed elegantly in the doorway of the moving carriage. Although she made it look simple, given that she was wearing full plate armor and that both her horse and the carriage were moving at a full gallop, it was proof that she had considerable athletic ability. Still, that was only to be expected of one of the Four Knights that were the pride of the Empire. Among them, she had the greatest offensive ability. Her name was Leinas Rockbruise, also known as “Heavy Explosion.”


He was a man who bulged with muscle. His neck was stout, and his chest muscles were impressive enough that one could sense them even through his thick armor. His powerful arms protruded from his rolled-up sleeves. There was no better way to describe him than “athletic,” regardless of which part of him one looked at.


There was a shiny velvet chaise longue in the room. On it sat a man, a man she knew well — it was Azuth Aindra in the flesh. His upper torso was completely exposed, one could clearly make out his welldefined abs and puffed-up pecs. This was not exactly how one should present themselves in front of their client yet it was not the reason why Lakyus stopped her companions from advancing forward



The question remains however - what does a class like Athletic Master even do then? Given all classes make you better at performing in the role they are named (having Fighter Levels means you are better at fighting with weapons) the safest conclusion is it makes you better at.... Athletic tests? Maruyama described a few things he considers are 'Atheletics' in various volumes. Though Maruyama also seems to describe weight training or muscle building as being tied to Athletics too, curious enough. 

Sadly we do not get enough scenes with Azuth to ascertain what he does with this class explicitly. Hence the ire of Ziggy in trying to figure out the nuance. The way Athletic Master works in the source material is it augments you when performing these Skill tests - however it also gives you special powers related to that Skill. So what does that mean for Overlord though? Well besides it probably also being a joke about one of his friends.

Likely, there is a [SKILL NAME] MASTER job class for every Skill. Now the powers they bestow are subtle but are things that break the limits of the Skill - think like powers normally only Demihumans have racially or magical beasts have. So for example an Athletic Master might be able to actually do the Mega Man X wall climb by kicking off the wall repeatedly or other such non-sense. How? All job-classes bend reality slightly - having these job-classes isn't a 'waste' just they bend reality in relation to one's Skill. So think of it like getting new options in video games you don't start with - like unlocking a parry, another jump, or being able to airdash; subtle mechanical things like that. 

If you couldn't understand that, it basically gives you feats related to the Skill instead of something more combat orientated. So like you could break world records on Earth with these classes since they would give you bonuses how far you could go in a jump or sprint powered by magic. So instead of getting more tiers of magic or more martial arts, the mana within your soul and body is instead modifying your fundamental Skills.

A good example from text you probably forgot since it doesn't come up much is the Volume 12 demihuman info dump. Yay!


 Horuners — demi-humans with horse-like legs who were adept at sprinting. They could run for long periods without rest and possessed shocking mobility.



Here you see how a Racial Skill can likely become a Job-class skill via [SKILL NAME] MASTER classes. You probably wouldn't notice it at first though... Because levels just increase people's ability scores it's hard to notice something like a [SKILL NAME] MASTER. Effectively, races naturally attuned to certain Skills are sort of like natural born [SKILL NAME] MASTERs; the racial bonuses they have and unique skills are effectively the same as what humanoids can get from training to be a MASTER. 

A good video game analogy is invincibility. Normally if you dodge past an attack, if your hurt box meets the hit box of an attack you get hurt, however most games make it lenient and give you I-frames(invincibility frames) so your dodges mean you can't get hurt. Theoretically (koff koff) a [DODGE] MASTER could unlock invincibility frames in the New World by training like Climb did but only in dodging. Will it make you stronger? Not alone no, but you can see how some of these 'power ups' [SKILL NAME] MASTER job-classes unlock can give you an edge in specific battles. Who doesn't love I-frames?

Now do [SKILL NAME] MASTER job-classes count as Fighter classes? That isn't quite clear, but given Buser and Azuth had Fighter levels, possibly. Now not all Skills are Fighter based so it might actually depend. For example Ainz, the master of bluffing, might one day mentor Neia to get the BLUFF MASTER job-class! The power of networking! Needless to say, that Skill isn't Fighter related at all so it might just depend on the context you use the Skill? Nonetheless, one must use their levels to acquire these powers. Remember Fighters are special in the New World for many reasons, tied to how they unlock Martial Arts in the first place(go read Magical Natural Philsophy for elaboration).

The truth is a mystery.... 

What even are all the Skills besides Athletics and Technical? Ainz never mentions either and he's a Player... Sadly only with meta knowledge can we speculate what these actually are. Given Neia learned how to bluff from Ainz though, at least BLUFF might be a Skill as we see many people use it and fail. The next confirmed one is possibly Charisma: the peerless power of the RIZZ. Dun dun  duuuuun. Unlike all other social job-classes, like Noble, Charisma is unrelated to one's nation and career, further suggesting it's a Skill job-level.

(Ziggy checks his notes if he used that slang right.)

How do you do fellow kids.  (tilts baseball cap backwards)

Ziggy could refer you to many games for examples but it's difficult to tell which Maruyama uses since he made Technical a Skill as well one can master and D&D actually doesn't have a Skill like that. Not all games treat all Skills the same either - some Skills anyone can perform but others are locked behind specific training (so anyone can do arithmetic but not everyone can perform Calculus). It's much akin to that nuance or everyone can run but not everyone can do somersaults? Muu....

Now for reference Maruyama's friend actually has Technical and Athletic as both being universal Skills anyone can get bonus Skills in. This likely was why Maruyama bothered to add them to his own game system - an homage to how this friend would GM. How he made these was any job-class could acquire Levels in these Skills.  Maruyama likes to references his friends all the time in Overlord.

However another source makes it so you have to train so much in these Skills to get the MASTER designation that it unlocks the 'magical power-up'. The idea is the same with Climb's training - by training so much you can unlock special powers like he learned Limit Break. Now supposedly people with Aptitude can also unlock these powers or feats... Perhaps that was why Neia was so good as an Archer despite her low level? Now we're getting into semantics of template, class, racial, and job bonuses however. No body gyatt time for that. Har har. 

In theory any Skill could have a job-class. With how rare they seem though, there seems to be a caveat to unlocking them - partially due to how one normally gets Skills like these from Occupational job-classes. The mystery deepens as both Athletic Master and Technical Master are non-Ordinary job-classes - they should confer the same stats as a combat viable class. The question though is are they worth investing in?

Apparently for Azuth it was worth the investment only if he's in the Powered Suit. Therein lies another clue to us - these are job-classes that tend to be better when your level and stats are higher. Why and how is up to your head-canon of course! Though we can speculate - perhaps by having new feats which scale to your ability scores, they can become far more powerful than intended when you have things like Powered Suits? That said, we don't notice much different from Azuth... The link here is the power of [SKILL NAME] MASTER job-classes seems tied specifically to Ability Scores. Thus as humanoids lack high ability scores (typically) Heteromorphs may actually benefit more from these [SKILL NAME] MASTER job-classes. Though given Azuth only noticed the benefit in the Powered Suit, only the Heteromorphs with absurdly high stats likely benefit from them. 

One theory (read head canon) Ziggy had was whatever Azuth learned to use the Powered Suit better was actually what one had to do to better play YGGDRASIL. Recall how it was a theory amongst YGGDRASIL Players there was a way to play the game better.


Q: Also, the Mask of Jealousy, the Devs certainly did as they pleased lolololol A: The Administrators were up to all kinds of mischief in the setting. Related to this or the DMMO [parts of YGGDRASIL] the most viewed thread on 2ch was “Man trains his body for the sake of DMMO” thread. But it was a setting that was decided. I would to reveal that sort of story one day.



Azuth possibly learned this same method but it also gave him a job-class as a result. Why? (shrugs) Possibly the controls on the Powered Suit are clunky but someone could figure out how to use them best and this inadvertently taught him the same method as required in real life for YGGDRASIL? Apparently its so specific it's not very useful outside the Powered Suit however... So it might just be a percentile version of the bonuses the suit gives him too - so it stacks with the Suit but outside it, it's not enough to benefit him to overcome the level investment.

Now onto technicalities... TECHNICAL MASTER. 

Believe it or not, sundering is actually not that common in games. There's various rules for it but typically it doesn't get it's own class. You can see why Maruyama probably bundled that into a new Skill type - the Technical test. 

Now what the hell is a Technical test?

Here if you are a child of  D&D you probably got confused. The trick here by Maruyama is due to his preferences more than anything else. There is some method to the madman's madness however. Instead of Ability Scores determining everything, Skills play a factor as well given what we discussed in Magical Natural Philosophy - all New Worlder's use Skills to acquire their job-classes and can even evolve job-classes based on their Skills. Though inferior in terms of level, they have a far more open-ended system than Players have. There's some humour here as well - Players are like fixed stat monsters more than actual people from the New World. The Skill system is the nuance that conveys that. 

One contradiction one might notice however is unlike every other job-class, where one's perception seems to play a role in how they are acquired by fitting an archetype, no one really comments on someone being a [TECHNICAL MASTER] or [ATHLETIC MASTER]. Normally. Brain however mentions how impressed he was with Sebas just punching someone, so New Worlders can perceive when things are amazing or when someone 'masters' a Skill should they have similar Skills.

So by mastering something 'technical' one appears to get the TECHNICAL MASTER job-class. The issue is what even falls under that Skill category? Here Maruyama defers not to a friend but rather a specific series. Why is likely due to how D&D never really put emphasis on sundering, and its rules are a mess (like the meme of grappling). 

 A Technical test is thus like Special - something that encompasses an entire set of mechanics. So why does it have it's own Skill category? There are several reasons, one being none of these games agrees on how to handle Skills. But Technical is reserved specifically for Skills you train in to acquire a 'technique' which isn't a Skill per se but a new option or tertiary mechanic. What actually fills this category is nebulous - you could say everything falls under ability scores but Maruyama treats these Skill categories as bundles of Skills basically. How Buser sundered better likely is contingent on how he used a two-handed sword one-handed; so he figured out a 'technique' to use the weight of his weapon to increase the force, exploiting physics to boost his number crunch. What a nerd. 

Technical Master thus likely boosts one's power at doing something they boosted naturally by pure 'skill' for their Skill check. So you get so good at something you unlock magical video game bonuses. That's not so different from how the FARMER job-class was described - one can get good at farming to the point they boost the output of their crops. Amazing. 

A Technical category Skill is thus any specialized combat action or option(shit not in every game). Athletics are more just sports related specialized actions. Anyone can learn better ways to do things in either category - just learning to be a better athlete doesn't mean you will be better at breaking weapons. We see Buser having a more narrowed technique made his job-class more valuable unlike Azuth's which is vaguer and so didn't help him much outside the Powered Suit. That likely is the trade-off - you can MASTER any Skill but the vaguer the Skill category the less the bonus is you get in exchange for being able to apply your level magic to more situations. 

The question now is: what constitutes a Skill Category? We have two confirmed ones:



But what others are there? 

Ziggy would argue Charisma counts as one since a job-class exists for it specifically though other job-classes also have oration Skills. The trick here is these Skills seem to be tied to level limited Skills compared to other job-classes. So by training these Skills one can eventually level up but this also means you can't improve in these Skills infinitely like in real life - they are tied to game mechanics somehow, likely from YGGDRASIL's arbitrary game engine calculations. Thus by training Skills the engine uses that overwrote all of causality, one can level up and gain job-classes like ATHLETIC MASTER. Theoretically of course. The issue is Charisma wouldn't fall into that category of Skills though it is a Skill still. This is probably why Charisma leads to an Ordinary-type job-class but both Athletic and Technical are not, and also the possible caveat that makes these job-classes uncommon (being a MASTER is a stricter requirement than it might appear to us).

The other trick here is that these Skills have to be ones not associated with another job-class. That appears to be why they are so vague and hard to figure out - they have to be things that could apply to multiple situations by design. No two games handle this the same in every way, so best to use your favorite way to interpret [SKILL MASTER] job-classes. 

Ziggy's hypothesis is [SKILL MASTER] might be like the [MASTER CLASS] from YGGDRASIL. Maruyama implies in YGGDRASIL that [MASTER CLASS] required 25 levels but in the New World we see Antilene get one at Level 21, fitting the broader Base Ten wall theory. So Ziggy thinks these [SKILL MASTER] classes are ones you unlock access to at Level 21 or so fitting the broader [MASTER] motif. Locking these classes behind that wall seems troubling however that does suggest how it might grant powers beyond one's race normally - as they are powers tied to advanced job-classes so can fittingly enough match what inherent magical racial skills can offer.  That distinction in job-class grade would also explain why people can unlock Charisma at lower levels but these [MASTER] classes appear to be so rare. 


 After Level 20 you have the chance to acquire intermediate ranked(Chuu Kyuu) job classes (Classes you needed to be Level 25 to acquire in YGGDRASIL).

[Tenth Anniversary]


Now classes like Sword Master appear at lower levels as well, though those are direct combat classes which may just be called MASTER due to the game(like Weapon Master). The reasoning here is fuzzy but using the inter texts we can see how Maruyama derived these names to an extent and even the power scaling to assign this new qualifier - the Level 20 base ten wall. THE WALL. The confusion comes from how YGGDRASIL had Master job-classes already but the New World's MASTER classes are specifically tied to Skills. Maruyama sure loves convolutions, leaving small flies in the ointment!

The logic, from the Skill system we never get confirmation on, is that you can only unlock the prestige Skills at these Base Ten Walls. This might be why Runesmith as well is a Level 11 or Base Ten wall class too. In that scope Base Ten Walls effectively let you acquire advanced Skills which can lead to special job-classes which might even explain how people unlock Level 30 Lesser job-classes far beyond their normal levels. The scope of these job-classes is a mystery as is why these Skills need these level walls. Ziggy gave an answer in Magical Natural Philosophy, though this seems grounded in the physics of the New World.

Nevertheless what do you think?

Like it is well-known, Skills in Overlord go absurdly under-explained. Hopefully the rambling today helped you conceptualize the rules a bit more. How Maruyama prefers to handle it is basically certain bonus feats grant you levels in [Skill Master] job-classes rather than just being a bonus option for YGGDRASIL classes. Why? Probably to balance how they give you power beyond what Skills normally grant you in other games.

The idea of some Skills being prestige locked is interesting mainly because what could one possibly unlock as a Outlier, a deviator? They are so rare it's tough to say. 

Alas, farethewell my smol children. Ziggy shall appear again, but have fun thinking about MASTER Classes and Skills.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

[Article] Neia and Servant; How New World Class-Skill Complexes Work

 Ahoy hoy, Ziggy back at it again, that madman!

Today, is some follow-up (kappa) on Servant. 

What that entails is how Neia got her levels to what they were. This might be redundant but there is some mechanical need to go through this for posterity and it compliments what we talked about in the previous articles on all the Class-types. 

So what was the point of the Roble arc beyond setting up for the movie and letting Demiurge have some fun? Well the point was mainly to not only show off some other classes and cultural insights but also not just for some yuri ship teasing either. Drama aside as well, mechanically the point was somewhat illustrated by Neia and how Servant works.

Servant, as we discussed, is the 'I'm helping' job-class for people without a proper job-class. But it's also got the purpose to evolve into other job-classes. How this works is by learning the Skills(GASP) of those you serve... or are  a Follower too. 

Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

This is a lot clearer in Japanese, but the kanji for SERVANT is also the kanji for FOLLOWER. And so the meta commentary here is how Neia is a NPC 'follower' for Ainz(as many can clearly see). 

It's sort of a gag that she's like a tabletop hireling, weaker team-member NPC. However, she's also Ainz's little duckling, learning how Ainz handles things and acquiring those Skills. And our beloved Supreme Being, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown of the Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown is a master at his craft: bullshitting on the fly and giving sensible, persuasive arguments while looking like a Yu-Gi-Oh-card Skeletor! Watch out, they're learning! Hide the world-class items, hide your waifus!

You can probably infer where this is heading, but Neia basically learned these 'Skills' and this ties into how she acquired Evangelist and or Founder. The issue here is Overlord's Skill system is very.... poorly detailed and character sheets only show Classes. But that is also why Ziggy feels it's prudent to actually go in depth for once about it. Like why was Etiquette such a big deal for the Dark Elves? Well because it's one Skill you can 'level up'. These seemingly pointless Skills help define some of the Ordinary-type job-classes and other Classes.

So Evangelist. Nothing Neia sees Ainz do should lead to this Class right? Ainz didn't teach her to convert people to a specific religion or justice after all. What Neia learned was only the Skill (likley through her Servant class). By applying this Skill in the way she does was what led to her Evangelist Class. Does that make sense? Wait is Evangelist the Paladin-version of a Bard....? Hmmmm...... Overlord Paladin's aren't Divine casters either......

If that isn't clear.... why do you think Tsuare can convert her Slave to Maid levels? Well the Skills aren't that different. Basically, she already had Skill levels in taking orders, cleaning, etc so the way the New World only Classes work is people can actually 'repackage' or 'Evolve' some classes into others. It's basically transferable job experience or the Skills are the same - just rebrand the Level. The same goes for Prince to King - it's nearly the same Skill-set, with a few tweaks(alterations in how those Skills are applied) it's basically the same Class Level.  

Neia, as Ainz's Follower and Servant, saw him use several 'TRPG' Skills over and over and she acquired these, basically. And when she started public speaking, by using these Skills she acquired Evangelist and set her self on the path of the Founder. 

But what Skills did Neia learn? Well Ainz actually uses several 'Skills' even though he probably doesn't have them himself(as a game avatar with no Flavor Text). Players are special because they can 'roleplay' and 'simulate' Skills after all how we can... through training like how Ainz constantly practices LARPing. What NPCs can do via Flavor Text, Players can do through pure roleplaying. That's why they are Players after all. 

So think clearly about what Ainz does - he Negotiates, Persuades, Bluffs,  Gathers Information, and Performs his LARPing as the Sorcerer King (via acting). These are actually all Skills in TRPG game systems you can use in situations, New Worlders just so happen to train and 'Skill Level Up' or 'Skill up' in; Gathering Information not only defines Ainz in his caution but even some Job-classes like Sage or Academic Wizard. Neia didn't learn the art of spellcasting, she learned the art of LARPing and bullshitting; in the business world we call this being Quick-witted, Sharp, or Fast-On-Your-Feet. These core 'Skills' are actually common in TRPG mostly, where they are afterthought Skill Prerequisities for prestige classes. Ziggy says, 'afterthought because most TRPG gamers care about prestige classes for the combat encounters rather than roleplaying(this depends on the game and Player group however). 

There's some meta-commentary here about Neia basically learned all the Skills a Player at a TRPG game session can use outside their character and game system. Neat. When you stare into the abyss it stares back into! Or rather.... maybe everything we do are weird mechanics to someone else to understand? 

All these Skills Neia 'learns' help set her on the path of Evangelist. This is one of those cases where Maruyama lacked creativity and so Evangelist is mostly inspired by D&D. Mostly. There's some easter egg references you'll miss if you assume it's just D&D but for now it's just subtle stuff not too relevant right now.

"Are Classes just Skills then?"

Well no... Overlord is never so simple after all. As the New World is a Class-Skill system, people have Classes but also Skills, both give you magical bullshit powers. So there is a difference between a Skill, a Feat, and an Ability. How to explain this... Skills are things you can train to get better in, Feats are like power-ups and passives your Class or Race gives you, meanwhile Abilities are active powers you get. It's nuanced and pedantic but there are distinctions in these. And for those bored with this topic, try to figure out what Martial Arts are in this paradigm, the only answer that leads to is arguments! 

Anyway, Tsuare became a Maid studying from Nazarick because Flavor Text substitutes for Skills in YGGDRASIL to New World beings. This is why all the maids of Nazarick are amazing, Demiurge is a master crafter, and so on. This is also why flavor text is so op though - it just lets you simulate Skills or even Ability Scores at no Level investment. That's why Demiurge and Albedo can also have 10000 IQ as well. 

These Class-Skill 'complexes' are what define New Worlders compared to YGGDRASIL beings. This is why New Worlders can have the same levels but differ a bit in how they can do things. Neia, by using all the Skills she got by being a faithful duckling to Ainz gained all the knowledge she needed to set her self on the path of cult leader and orator in the Great Awakening(not that kind)! By learning from a disillusioned salaryman from dystopian Japan, Neia is firmly on the path of demagogue, civil war revolutionary cult leader, and some say Pope, some say Bodhisattva?

It's hard to convey how Class-Skill complexes work but take Rangers. They can just... hide and stuff and people just can't see them due to game logic like magically disappearing around NPCs while sneaking in a Metal Gear or Bethesda game. IT JUST WORKS. That's a Class feat and or Ability depending. The reason Neia learned how to track and hide however was pure Skill. Kappa. 

What that means is she actively learned the mundane, Earthling way to be Rambo. Classes typically give you magical handwave excuses for how stuff JUST WORKS. Class-Skills are nuanced though because they are a fusion of Skills and Classes. Not all these powers seem magical but consider Evangelist. It should just be an oration class so why is it a combat-type not Ordinary-type class? 

Well that is because by using the Skills Ainz taught her, Neia learned the Class Evangelist and this had abilities that are not Skills, but rather Abilities, Feats or so on. So what came first, the Class or the Abilities? Well the point of a Class is to embody what it is by doing what it is - that is by using the Skills that define a Class you then unlock it and greater power to get even better at that 'role'. 

Neia, through public speaking and bolstered by her intimidating appearance and Skills she picked up from Ainz kept persuading people in her 'oration performances' she acquired Evangelist, what is basically a verbalizing Bard rather than musical performer. She didn't have the Ability of brainwashing at first, but the Skills, normal public speaking, negotiating, and so on lay the foundation(kappa) of the precedence of 'converting' people. By doing this the person then acquires the Class-Skill complex of Evangelist which 'converts' people magically. Does that make sense?

Think about Fighters. They don't magically learn Martial Arts at Level 1. Yet by swinging their swords and other weapons around, through pure Skill and Weapon Proficiency, they manifest 'magical bullshit' fightan majikku which scales with how many levels they have in their Class Levels. 

This is why Martial Arts can get stronger versions or you stack more as your level goes up - Skills feed into Classes which feed back into the Skills and bestow new powers and abilities. For Martial Art users, it's mundane stuff at first - like Slash or Avoid, which are slight refinements to what you an do via bruteforce (attacking or dodge-rolling). But as you get more Levels in the Class-Skill Complex of Fighter, you can perform more magical, reality defying, supernatural and extraordinary Martial Arts. Martial Arts just happen to be far more closely tied to Skills(and mundane actions) like Ordinary-type Classes than what other YGGDRASIL-style classes give you. As Fighters lost their Active Skills however, part of the reason is because the New World is a Class-Skill world and YGGDRASIL active Skills(basically Abilities) were lost in exchange for Martial Arts unlike every other Class in the game. 

Is that confusing? 

Of course it is. It's all just an excuse for more mechanics and hand-waving. Still, there is a mechanical and literary reasons for the additional mechanics - it ties into Class-Skill complexes, the New World, and how Fighters well Fight beyond literary reasons(Ziggy will gloss over the literary reasons... it's complicated). Classes basically start to give you magical powers basically and this manifests in Fighters as their weird knock-off Wild Magic system tied to their Skills and training. So you can have Skill: Lunging like that one loser in Six Arms, but also Martial Arts separate from that like [Piercing] which makes you do even more damage or pokey poking stabbing. It's ALMOST the same thing, but a Skill is mastering technique while Martial Arts is like channeling mana through your Class-Skill complex to slightly, just slightly, be more like an anime character with flashy effects in a manga panel. Omae ga Shinderu.... Wait how did Sebas teach Climb anyway.... Hmmmm..... Maybe-REDACTED

There's a reason everyone calls the Tome of Battle the Tome of Weeaboo Figthan Majikku! Though rather than just referencing that... Gefun gefun. It's a SEKRET for later. Maybe? It's actually multiple SEKRETs...... Hmmmmmmm......  Let's just hint at it mysteriously and never ever talk about it again like the Heavenly Dragon Lord being probably our one lord and savior saving the New World from the invasion of Eldritch nightmares! Crystal Dragon Jesus, more like Giant Flying Island Dragon Jesus!

Neia's growth helps emphasize this. She has the Skill: Public Speaking or Oration. But Evangelist bestows the magical INDOCTRINATION power, which is closer to Demiurge's Command Mantra or a Bard's powers - ie her magical brainwashing via verbal speaking. 

"So how does this work for Ordinary-type classes?"

Good question Ziggy you hack fraud! Hack-fraud...? ...Hack_fraud? Hmmmm......

Ordinary-type Classes are still Class-Complexes, they are just... overly mundane. That's why they level you up but don't give much stats(magical power ups). They are however far closer tied to the Skill system, hence why Ordinary-type classes are banal jobs like Slave, Maid, King, Noble, Farmer, etc. They help you do your job a teeny itsy bit better. Via MAGICAL tiny buffs. Sadly Farmers can't just sprout new fields out of a desert.... for now. But why the favortism? Beyond references, Class-Skill complexes should in theory have the same power bestowing per level (basically power-scaling level parity) but we don't see that with Ordinary-type Classes. Mechanically they are just levels for NPCs who don't fight.... With their own unique sub-systems!

How Ziggy thinks it works is they are 'breaking' the Skill system actually - that's why Jircniv is so 'feared' for example. These Class-Skill Complexes, like Emperor or High Emperor basically let Jircniv get not only tiny buffs in being DA EMPURUH but in theory he can have higher Skill levels or stack even more Skills in Negotiation, Persuasion, Knowledge(so he doesn't forget stuff or the writing cliche of remembering the exact thing he needs to remember at the exact perfect time). Maruyama's bad political writing was all an excuse for cliche, tropey writing!  It was all actually according to keikaku!  MARUYAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what does that really mean? Well people with Ordinary-type Classes are just better at that role than someone without them via actual in-world magic. That doesn't mean much for a Maid but for government officials or Courtiers, this means the government can either run magically guder or turn into the Kingdom's nightmare(as you have people with Ordinary-type classes on both sides of the factional conflict magically buffed to be even better at gridlock and corruption). Things just magically work because... these people even without magic casting are manifesting magic through the Class-Skill system.


The Empire shows how this works positively - Jircniv's rebellion magically went well not only due to how Skilled he was but he had his Class-Skill complexes to magically buff him with having the right ideas at the right time, being able to persuade people easier, being recognized as a teenage Emperor, etc. It's dumb and blurs the line between narrative and mechanics but that's what Ordinary-type Job-classes are(an excuse for Maruyama's writing to suck in these areas). Jircniv may not have a big, shiny gold throne he's trapped on but his treasury likely is filled a lot more thanks to his Levels... BECAUSE OF MAGIC. Weeaboo Burecrat Salaryman Majikku...?

Levels aren't everything, but they give people minor magical advantages at being successful in their roles in society even outside combat(if you can get them). Naturally people are attracted to high-level people because they are well high-level and so overtime this ensures better survivability for the species. But higher-level people can resist other Levels and Classes better. In the best cases, someone like Decem can just see past magic as the fraudulent defiance of reality it truly is through pure Ability Scores, no Skills, no Class-Skill ability. Having a high level doesn't make you a good person though or good ruler either though as we see also with Decem... But when push comes to shove, a higher-level person in town can punch whatever big monsters or hungry people came to eat you. And isn't that more important? It can be.... Sometimes. ...Decem really exists to show us how wrong he is at and about everything huh....?

The point of Neia is to show us someone learning their Skills, getting new Classes and then applying those Classes to get new Classes via Skills and new powers. This is also why new Classes like Sacred Archer can exist - New Worlders manifest Class-Skill Complexes based on what they do - and since Neia is a Paladin who uses a bow Skills, she got a new Paladin-Archer prestige class thing-a-ma-jig with more stats and new powers not from the game. IT JUST WORKS(besides being references). 

Aptitudes for Skills sort of tie even closer to the Class-Skill system but that's even harder to really describe outside 'this person's daddy can use the bow gud so she can use the bow slightly gudder than others'. Why? Awakening? Genetics? Plot contrivance? Who knows! Still a mystery how Decem didn't get a single brat to half his level... Maybe the world cursed him for being a dead-beat king and father... and Ironically gave his one successful child experiment to the nation that hated him to raise her and give her good gear...? Again why is the World such a spiteful DM? Who can say....

As an aside, all the topics on Savage magic and Base Ten Bonuses and Lesser Classes all tie into the fact the New World is a Class-Skill system and for some, mysterious reason(it's a reference) people just get bonus power ups, feats, or Class options as they reach new 'brackets' of power (basically every ten levels). So a Hero isn't just someone with a higher-level... they also get more and more power-ups to Skills and Classes due to the Class-Skill System bestowing new Skills or Class options at these power brackets. Neia shows us the natural way someone trains Skills and applies them to get a Class, but just like Savage magic, people acquire these powers without knowing what they are doing exactly just that they now have new nifty abilities. Being able to ignore level restrictions at level 20 though... Ooof. That already breaks the game super early.... Wonder what outliers, the deviators, can do....

Class-Skill Complexes are basically the reason why the New World has 'infinite potential' as you can combine all sorts of Skills in new ways to manifest new powers. That's why we have the susiest bear, with no mana, tattoos, or Classes, able to cast magic, mind breaking as that is. YGGDRASIL may have corrupted the world but it also made this Class-Skill system power-up non-racial races with game level power-ups. Did it level the playing field? Well... maybe not, humanoids are still pretty weak after all... but maybe it made things slightly better? Was the Class-Skill system always around but no game Classes existed? Hmmmm.... There's no agreement on that one still.

Nevertheless, as divisive Neia is as a character despite being the best iteration of her character concept, hopefull you can appreciate the application of her character in revealing these nuanced mechanics and Maruyama having fun with how New Worlders not only sasuga but can learn from Players and roleplayers to inspire the masses into being psychopaths!  ....Huh.... Wait isn't that a....

Ziggy hopes you might have a new appreciation for the upcoming Holy Kingdom movie and it's story even though most still consider it the start of Overlord's decline... Sadly Maruyama is more faithful to mechanics and making references than  his own narrative and so the stories he can tell are limited by the mechanics he's trying to teach you via litRPG writing; he'll tell a bad story rather than poorly portray the mehanics in an 'interesting' way. If he wasn't so obsessed with being Meta and vague.... would it even be Overlord? Hard to say... Ziggy like Neia, only observes and tries to learn from Maruyama(Ainz).... Such autism! Who else but Maruyama!? Anyway he accomplishes what he wants though, he made a story you have to reread a billion time to comprehend with how esoteric he explains things....

Maybe you learned something new with this, maybe you didn't. Come on baby, don't fear the reaper... or giant skeleton man... he's really just a depressed middle-age man who wants to talk about 20 year-old or older RPGs and write witty jokes to his friends in his home country that people pay him to also read! Corporate profits be damned! Give Maruyama autism or kill his career! He's got another job anyway!

Class-Skill, Class, and Skill system game design is all very pedantic, but like any spectrum, all game design lies on a spectrum with these as tenets that give concept to how a game is made or programmed. Don't worry about the exact definitions, Ziggy has seen many contradicting ones enough times. The point of Overlord is to throw these competing ideas against each other and watch the resulting dumpster fire... That and references. It's not Overlord if there isn't like ten different things being referenced at the same time. 

What if you're not wrong AND I'm not wrong? What if we're both right AND there is even more going on we didn't notice..... Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun. 

That's all folks! Ziggy wishes you well and hopes you aren't mad this isn't 100-pages long. 

"But wait Ziggy, what is the Base Ten System then, really?"

You can conjecture what it is, really, truthfully... however it's so interwoven with mechanics and literary references that it's... Can't we just magically hand-wave it with our Class-Skill Complexes as readers and our Skill: Suspension of Disbelief....?

*Ziggy starts sweating nervously*

Uh...... Hey look it's a bird or is it a plane!

*Ziggy points to an empty space in the sky and  activates his Joestar Bloodline-Limit Bankai Technique and runs away*

Bye bye! 


Saturday, January 20, 2024

[Article] - What's Up With Volume 15 and Maruyama vs Editor-chan


No banter for this article. Sadge. 

Anyway, a strange thing happened in Overlord right around Season 4 and Volume 15. First Volume 16 was split off from Volume 15 despite his insistence on only 17 Volumes earlier. The second however was a strange set of comments from Editor-chan and Carlo Zen, Youjo Senki’s author, during Overlord’s Tenth Anniversary. 


Akiko Fujita(F-ta-san)- Novel Editor When I requested a comment for the tenth anniversary Maruyama-san gave me the comment you see on this website the same day. This comment overflows as a supreme example of Overlord. The large word count and betrayal of good feelings and focus on entertainment, it fills me with the same excitement(agitation) as when I read Obaro on the net ten years ago. Rather it’s become sharp(on edge), and actually feels interesting. That must because Maruyama-san constantly wrestles to make his work ”even more interesting”. ...Just now as this comment was being written Maruyama-san delivered comment ver 1.1 this comment was invariably filled with red, as expected the addition of situations and rules are interesting, and as expected the quantity increased. Maruyama has kept running with this strong spirit to ”make things interesting” for Overlord for ten years. I have continued to receive this exceedingly encouraging(provoking) and persistent mentality in the form of ”more interesting” myself. At this rate(konomama) I believe it will keep running for ten more years! [ZN: Uwaaaa! running is the only way to define those words, it’s not a flourish or metaphor for a different kanji reading btw. Also Ziggy is only half sure this is passive aggressive to the forty-first degree... Were they really fighting about stuff? It wasn’t all in Ziggy’s head... Omae Ga Shin De-Nani......... ]


So what do you think happened after that time passed 1 or 2 years later? Once again, Maruyama-sensei said with a serious face ”Carlo-kimi, I, well, will retire in 1 to 2 years. ” I was not prepared to hear that from sensei a second time. ”I see, so you will finally retire.” The Editor-In-Charge F-Ta-San that was doing her best seemed to have a feeling of loneliness at that firm decision. So what do you think happened after 1 to 2 years passed? ”Carlo-chan, after 1 to 2 years” ”Kugane-chan can’t say it like that” I exchanged such strange words that felt like a seasonal nature poem. F-Ta-San was filled with energy demanding the manuscript. That was quite reasonably a very different matter.

[Carlo Zen]


Later, in 2023 Maruyama made a certain set of tweets right after the strange announcement of the cancellation of Overlord’s manga, the implication almost deriding his Editor openly:



Impossible [Dara-san], has the same editor as Kugane-chan sensei!  I really like the frightening and comedic atmosphere.


It's INTERESTING how the wickedness is concealed in sugar coating!


If you go back to Volume 15’s intermission however, you can also see a new perspective with how it repeated content from KBA, suggesting a link between KBA and the drama:


And at least for now, no one had betrayed them yet. The fact that Banejieri and others were still alive was proof of that. Everyone here would have already been destroyed if they were betrayed. That one ruled the organization only to selfishly take Banejieri’s and the others’ research to strengthen itself. That one had been nothing more than a parasite feeding on them. Even so, that one would never think of tolerating their clandestine actions just because they were useful to that one. Without a doubt, that one would take action to wipe out Banejieri and other conspirators if it ever doubted them. That one didn’t have the leniency or openmindedness a ruler should possess. That one was too wary about everything. Therefore, the fact that they were safe showed that one hadn’t noticed their moves yet.


Don’t think you can keep extorting us forever! Banejier swept away the huge form of that one he just met from his mind along with his silent bellow



If you need help connecting the dots, you can almost take the snide way Maruyama never says THAT ONE’s name as an allegory for how he views Kadokawa and his editor possibly. Given the timing of Volume 15 and the bad blood between him and his editor at that point, it seems strangely plausible. 

So why would Maruyama begin to resent his Editor? 

Well one might be he keeps getting pressured to continue Overlord as it’s a market success. But he refuses. 

Maruyama always intended for Overlord to end at this point, with the region and the Theocracy(the massacre at the Katze plains is meant to be the halfway point even back in 2011). If you reread Volume 1 you can sort of see why he wanted to get published in the first place as well as just a reason to reconnect to all his old buddies, something he was open about in the text. 


“...I see… then as long as the whole world knows the name of Ainz Ooal Gown…” If his comrades were here, then the name of the guild would reach their ears. Once they found out, they would come over. Momonga was that confident in the strength of their friendship.


—My friends, what do you think of me using this great name? Are you happy? Are you displeased? If you have any objections, please let me know, tell me “this is not a name you can take for yourself”. I will gladly return to my old name of Momonga


“Yes. Then, gentlemen. Taking over the syndicate is the foundation for achieving Ainz-sama’s objective; that is to say world domination. I trust nobody is stupid enough to not know that.” Ainz glanced down at everyone’s face. They all looked like they understood, without exception. Ainz was the only one who did not understand. “…World domination?” What the hell was that? When had things ended up like that? However, he could not ask about it. This was the greatest exercise of Ainz’s intellect in his entire life. He spent several seconds reflecting and searching himself. It had been far too unexpected, too difficult to accept. How had it ended up like this? All he had wanted was to keep a low profile, avoid making enemies, improve his reputation, and then find a way to communicate with his friends from the past who might be in this world. Those cute little wishes were all he had wanted.



Pay extra attention to:


find a way to communicate with his friends from the past who might be in this world. 



With the financial success of Overlord it goes without saying he likely got back in contact with some of them. That’s all Maruyama and Momonga ever wanted, just to be back with his friends again foremost. He had already given up on his dream of being a published author earlier in life. He just bumbled his way to success with Overlord, thinking it would be a financial flop. 

That’s not something a company would tolerate however. 

Here we come to a clash of perspective - Maruyama’s editor, the most likely inspiration for Albedo also greatly disdains Maruyama’s writing style. But how can Maruyama appease her when the entire point of Overlord is to be vague? 

You see OVERLORD can mean two different things - in computer science Overload(another way to read Overlord in Japanese) is when an expression has more than two meanings for the same word or string. This is why Maruyama mechanically names the same class for YGGDRASIL and New World beings yet gives them distinct mechanical properties. However, Overload and Over lord is not the only way to read Overlord. You can also vaguely make it out to be Oborodo - as v and b are the same ‘letter’ or sound in Japanese. And do you know what Oboro means in Japanese? To be vague! Thus OVERLORD can literally mean “the vague way 朧道” as the suffix ‘do- means ‘way of’ or ‘the way’ as in Bushido. (well it can also mean the dim or dimwitted way)

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

So you see, Maruyama can’t exactly compromise as an artist when he LITERALLY named his series with double meanings and vague revelations in mind. Why else are misunderstandings and vague revelations so important to Overlord? Why would Maruyama stress he wanted Overlord to be something people reread multiple times, back in 2010 even before the light novel existed?  It’s the whole point he wrote the damn series beyond reconnecting with his friends! THAT’s what Maruyama means when he wants Overlord to be ‘interesting’. THAT’s what his editor and Kadokawa do not understand. It’s sadge…


To read it to that extent leaves me with a deep feeling. I want to make a fine quality work that makes people reread 8 times or even 12 times.

[Arcadia - 2010]


Given how few people cared for Volume 15(one Maruyama said he preferred over Volume 16) we can see why. Few people understand why Maruyama writes the way he does. Also we see the divergence in what the fans want and what Maruyama wants. He prefers the sneaky revelations of Volume 15 and 4 over the dumb set piece foregone conclusion boss battles. He feels constrained by all the rules of the setting but that’s part of the challenge too. 


Up until now, the story had too much convenient intelligence gathering, the feeling [I was going for this time] was stumbling onto intelligence while doing his best in a minor role, to be comprised of a substantial amount of Maruyama’s preferences. Because it is what he finds most interesting. To be honest, I prefer Volume 15 over Volume 16. Doesn’t it just reek of TRPG? Was that not the case?



Here’s what Ziggy thinks happened - Editor forced Maruyama to cut the Dark Elf village arc(precisely for the reasons so many others dislike it) and Maruyama refused so they forced him to make a second volume to keep it and generate revenue AND to get back at him for KBA. This is possibly why so-bin complained about all the sudden work in Volume 15 and why Maruyama put in the Intermission he did there, almost not even hiding his disdain for whoever he meant it to represent.


Next volume is coming out soon as well!!

Workload is very bad!!!!

[V15 so-bin]


 In Maruyama’s head, how can you be a fan of Overlord and not get there is more than meets the eye this late into the series? Look how sneaky he is revealing stuff in increasingly more esoteric ways. It’s like a DM making super hidden things in long going game sessions at the table, someone who values injokes and references like those fans who liked the Marvel movie easter eggs. 

Overlord is esoteric and obtuse by design. 

It’s intentionally autistic. We might disagree if a novel should be written this way but Maruyama has clear artistic intent as to why he does what he does. Ziggy is sad more people don’t see that… Ziggy understands some aren’t happy with the way things are going however… It’s a shame Overlord has to end on these sour circumstances outside it’s own writing…

In a way, can you respect Maruyama’s artistic integrity? Or do you think he’s being selfish not giving his fans what they want? Ziggy isn’t sure which side you will take factoring in Maruyama’s feelings if you consider what he thinks makes Overlord, well OVERLORD/Oborodo.  Most fans actually take Editor’s side in fact, wanting Overlord to continue forever and ever and more chest beating slap down boss fights that end anti climatically. 

Ziggy thinks Kadokawa or Editor-chan in particular axed the manga via peer pressure given the timing… But why would they be that mad? Well it might have to do with KBA being a limited release (not generating revenue) and delaying a volume for an entire year. This goes doubly so for how he refuses to release it in his lifetime and how magically Pleaides Days was re-released after this point outside the movie exclusive bonus. It almost feels spitefully done by the company who can’t understand Maruyama’s insistence on not re-releasing things literally telling them ‘over my dead body’. 


Maruyama Kugane-sensei, will Vampire Princess of the Ruined Country ever go on sale? A: The possibility it goes on sale depends on who the rights go to after Maruyama dies. 



Maruyama as well feels hesitant to write like he used to for many reasons. We can see there is some professional turmoil here but his personal life has changed too - first is he might actually be spending more time with his friends now but he might also have had changes in his private life. That being said, Maruyama’s fan base clearly does not see things like he does and more like his editor unfortunately, with all the feedback Ziggy has seen. There are problems with Maruyama’s narrative but if you understand why Maruyama writes how he does, it isn’t unsalvageable. The breaking point here is his relationship with Editor-chan has seemingly broken to a point of no repair and she isn’t really… guiding him the way she used to either though he has improved remarkably as a writer given how KBA compares to the WN. 

Anyway, this was a short article but hopefully you understand a bit more about the strange circumstances of this drama we cannot see at the very end of Overlord’s run as a series. Can you admire how spiteful and true to his beliefs Maruyama is? Or at least you now can pull out the piece of trivia about Overlord’s title meaning being vague AND having double meanings as an icebreaker to all your friends when trying to explain this beautiful, autistic disaster to everyone!  

This is Ziggy, wishing you well, irregardless. Buy bye!